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Dilaudid, also known by its generic name hydromorphone, is a powerful opioid analgesic used to manage severe pain.



Dilaudid, also known by its generic name hydromorphone, is a potent opioid pain medication prescribed to treat severe pain that requires fast-acting relief, especially in cases where other painkillers are inadequate. Derived from morphine, Dilaudid works by binding to opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, altering the body's perception of pain and emotional response to it. It is available in various forms, including tablets, liquid, and injectable solutions, and is often used in a hospital setting for acute pain management.Due to its high potency and risk of addiction, Dilaudid is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance in the U.S. Prolonged use, even when taken as prescribed, can lead to physical dependence. Side effects may include drowsiness, nausea, constipation, and respiratory depression. Overuse or misuse carries serious risks, including overdose, which can be life-threatening.