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Past Simple vs Present Perfect


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Past Simple

S + V -ed/V2 + O

Дії, що сталися в конкретний момент у минулому, є точний час виконання дії.

Wednesday visited the secret library last night.

(Yesterday, last week, 5 years ago, in 1653, the day before yesterday)

Present Perfect

S + have/has + V -ed/V3 + O

Події сталися у минулому, але результат важливий зараз, час неважливий

Wednesday has discovered a new secret.

(just, ever, never, already, yet, recently, since, for)

Past Simple Present Perfect

Wednesday defeated the villain yesterday.

Якщо ж ми вказуємо час або питаємо про те, коли це відбулося, тоді ми вживаємо Past Simple:

Ми використовуємо Present Perfect тоді, коли акцентуємо увагу на самій дії і не уточнюємо конкретний час:

Якщо ж ми продовжуємо говорити про це та надаємо деталі, то тоді вже використовуємо Past Simple:

Ми використовуємо Present Perfect, щоб розповісти про якусь подію чи досвід.

Wednesday has defeated many enemies so far.

Wednesday has found a new clue.

Wednesday has found a new clue, so she shared it with her friends to help solve the mystery.

Choose the book and do the task

I watched all episodes of "Wednesday" last month.

1. I have watched all episodes of "Wednesday". (Past Simple)

Transform these sentences and check your answers

Wednesday has already solved the case.

2. Wednesday solved the case last week. (Present Perfect)

They didn't meet the Principal last night.

3. They have never met the Principal before. (Past Simple)

Enid transformed into a werewolf 2 hours ago.

4. Enid has transformed into a werewolf. (Past Simple)

Finally, Wednesday has learned about her family’s secrets.

5. Last month, Wednesday learned about her family’s secrets. (Present Perfect)

6. She hasn't spoken to her roommate yet. (Past Simple)

She didn't speak to her roommate yesterday.

They found a strange letter in her room last evening.

7. They have found a strange letter in her room. (Past Simple)

Watch the video and answer the questions

1. What kind of event does Wednesday attend in this scene?2. Describe Wednesday's dance style. Do you think it matches her personality? Why or why not?3. How do the other characters react to Wednesday's dancing?4. What emotions can you see in Wednesday’s face while she is dancing?5. Do you think Wednesday enjoys dancing? Why or why not6. How does the atmosphere of the scene change when Wednesday starts dancing?

We find all information. See you next time

Wednesday ______ (discover) a new secret.

a) has discovered

b) discovered

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

Wednesday ___ (not/solve) all the mysteries yet.

a) didn't solve

b) hasn't solved

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

She ___ (meet) many strange people at Nevermore Academy.

a) met

b) has met

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

Xavier ___ (draw) an amazing picture yesterday.

a) has drawn

b) drew

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Wow! Excellent!

Have you ever ___ (see) the creepy statue in the schoolyard?

b) saw

a) seen

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

They ___ (find) an old book last week.

a) have found

b) found

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

Enid and Wednesday ___ (not talk) since the last argument.

a) didn't talk

b) haven't talked

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

Wednesday ___ (discover) a hidden door yesterday.

a) has discovered

b) discovered

Oops! Try again!


Wow! Excellent!

Last night, Enid ___ (stay) up late to watch over Wednesday.

a) stayed

b) has stayed

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Wow! Excellent!