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The Fall of Constantinople


video segment

As you watch the video segment take quick notes.

Negotiations Fail to Halt the Fall of Constantinople.

The Golden Age of the Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman army conquered much of the Islamic world. After the fall of Constantinople, the armies spread through Greece and the Balkans into Europe , across North Africa, and into the Arabian Peninsula.

By 1519, the Ottoman sultan controlled the Muslim holy cities of Mecca and Medina, earning him the title of “Protector of the Sacred Places.” The Ottoman Empire also ruled over much of the Mediterranean coast and the links between the Chinese Silk Road and Europe, giving it power to control trade across three continents.

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Yellow Paper

DE concept 12.2 Explore pages 7,8, and 9 and complete a What-Where-Who-Summary Chart. View template and rubric in the interactive firgure.

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