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Trace 263

Candidate: Elena Dallera


Task Based Activities



Context, class, timing/environment





"Plan B"



Methodologies and approaches

Tools and materials

Role of technology

Keys of success and inclusion

Specific aims and general aims



Composition of the class: 22 students ( 12 boys and 10 girls) including 2 students with mixed learning disorders Reference to Law 170/2010 ( this law recognises dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia and ADHD as learning disorders )


CONTEXT School: ISTITUTO PROFESSIONALE - ENOGASTRONOMIA E OSPITALITA' ALBERGHIERA School year: 4th year Period of the year: 2nd term, presumably in April

4 lessons ( 2 hours each for a total amount of 8 hours ) + a 2-hour homework as flipped classroom



  • Classroom
  • Computer laboratory
  • Student's house ( flipped classroom activities )


Students in the fourth year have already approached food preservation in Italian language during the third year of professional secondary school, and they already know the topic and the main related themes, as well as the HACCP prescriptions. The topic is proper of Food Sciences. Concerning English, students should have learnt the main grammatical tenses and structures and should be able to ask questions, explain topic, write simple and clear texts using a specific language connected to their professional address. (During the month before the teacher can check these prerequsites and invite thedtudents who don't remeber something to revise the topics ) Probably the class has a general English level that goes from A2 to B1 ( according to CEFR ). We must consider the presence of some students with mixed learning disorders and the fact that normally a class hasn't got an homogenuous English level.


B y the end of the activities students should be able to:

  • decribe the different food preservation methods by using a specific vacabulary
  • build correct sentences, both in oral or written form
  • write a coherent and grammatically correct, simple and clear text to explain how the food preservation works
  • use the modal verbs ( should, had better, must, may, might, can, could )
  • use the infinity of purpose ( in order to or to+infinitive )
  • ask for and give advices
  • and be able to express probabilities and hypothesis ( 1st conditional )
  • do a performing research on a technical theme on the Internet
  • work in small groups ( cooperative learning ) and help classmates in a disadvantage condition ( peer tutoring )

European Recommendation on Key Competences 2018

The ones involved in this lesson are: - Literacy competence - Digital competence -Personal, social and learning to learn competence


The proposed activities contribute to develop some of the key competences theorized in the European Racommendation dated 22/05/2018.

Dir. MIUR 27/10/2012

L. 170/2010

L. 104/1992



The lesson's organization should as well take care of students with mixed learning disorders through: - peer to peer tutoring-compensatory ITC use where necessary and possible-activities structurized on different levels of difficulty and that can valorize every kind of learning strategy.

The learning process has to be student centred


Multiple Intelligence Theaory (M.I.T) - Gardner - 1983


Students motivation


In order to grasp and keep students' motivation the teacher should organize interesting lessons including diversified activities, use of ITC and problem solving oriented tasks. The lesson's style has to be various and comprehend also peer to peer learning and cooperative learning.

L. 104/1992


L. 170/2010

Dir. MIUR 27/10/2012

L. 104/1992

Regulatory references

It reflects on the integration inthe Italian school ofstudent with special educational needs. Teaching becomes more inclusive and personalized.

Law 170/2010 recognize the sld Specific Learning Disorders and introduce the importance of a personalized and individualized didactic and the use of compensatory/dispensatory tools/ actions.

It's known as "Good School Law" and contains the National Plan for a Digital School.

Law 10/1992 guarantees full respect for human dignity and the rights of freedom and autonomy. It also provides to overcome the impediments due to handicap in order to create the conditions for the person to achieve the aximum possible autonomy and full integration in fanily, school, woork and society.

Howard Gardner

"Anything that is worth teaching can be presented in many different ways. These multiple ways can make use of our multiple intelligences."


Compenstory ITC use ITC is a valid compensatory tool for students with mixed learning disorders. It's possible to install on devices some speech synthesis programmes as: LeggiXme_Sapi5 or FacilitOffice Sapi5 ( free software ).


Flexibility In times, needs, sources, possibilities.

Personalization Technology allows to use personalized learning patterns according to the students'specific needs.

Assessment Technology allows to assess competences with grids, multiple choices, cloze test, eductional games, ... It allows an easy self-assessment, too.

Feedback ITC can provide an automatic feedback about mistakes that students can get on their own.

Wider exposure to English Through the use of ICT students can get in touch with the authentic language spoken and used in real contexts (situated language). They can also get social learning.

Motivation ITC use in lessons allows to grab and mantain students' attention for a longer time


SAMR Model - R. R. Puentedura (2013) SAMR an TPCK:an introduction. Retrieved from http://www.hippasus.com/rrpwblog/archives/2013/03/28/SAMRand TPCK_AnIntroduction.pdf


  • MIWB
  • Grammar textbook with exercises about grammar structures
  • Access to the computer laboratory, in order to do researches on the Internet ( one student - one device ). For group activities at least 5 devices ( laptops or tablets ) are required, in order to create smaller working groups
  • If the Tree-year-plan of educational offer of the Institute planned it, it's possible to use the student's own devices in classroom
( BYOD )
  • Clear comprehension images to suggest possible procedures to preserve food (in order to facilitate all the students with predominant visual intelligence and the ones with mixed learning disorders )


homework flipped classroom

Every group has 20 minutes to present its work to the classmates, using the MIWB, showing used websites and images.

Warm-up phase: after presentation of the specific vocabulary taken from the Cambride Ditionary , brainstorming on the sentences / explanations on meaning that the students can produce ( alone or in pairs) with attention to grammar

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours


Exercises on the use of grammar aspects in producing sentences ( on the textbook or on the MIWB ). Presentation of a summative text in English about the main procedures to preserve food.

The teacher sends the students some materials, texts and videos to watch and readabout food preservation.

In small groups (from 5 to 6 in each group) students create a presentation ( using Canva or Power Point) about a way to preserve food.

Student with mixed learning disorders are included because they can participate as the other classmates without anxiety: this is a revision phase in which the teacher listens to everyone and can correct/adjust the intervention of all students.


The class starts with a warming-up activity in which every student can speak and give his contribute. The teacher presents on the MIWB a page reference from the Cambridge Dictionary related to the specific vocabulary about "food preservation". The students can discuss altogether and can work in pairs to produce a grammatically correct sentence/explaination about the word meaning. At the end the group together can check on the Internet for the meaning of unknown ones. This dictionary site allows to click on the specific word to obtain all the meanings with examples and it's also possible to listen to the correct pronunciation. ( https://dictionary.cambridge.org ) _

After the warm-up activity there's the only traditional part od the lesson: the class is focused on grammar exercises on texbook and on the multimedial board in order to acquire the new grammar elements they have noticed before. The teacher can make this activity less boring for students using also online multiple choise exercses or multimedial exercises and digital contents specifically created or already available on platforms. The important aspect is that the correction is all together. In this way students with some difficulties can understand their mistakes and correct them. Grammar exercises could be about: Modal verbs, Infinite of purpose, asking for and giving advice, conditional tense. All the grammar exercises can be standard and fill in the gap ones but at the end all students are required to produce four sentences each about the specific topic of food preservation includin the grammar rules presented:


examples: Freezing meat could make it last longer. Food preservation methods must be used to avoid bacteria prolification. To can food safetly one must ensure that the canning jar and lid are sterile It's better/it would be better to add specific ingredients to food in order to keep it safe. If you want to preserve food, you have to preserve it correcly. The teacher helps the student to correct the sentences from a grammar point of view, both oral and written ( students write on the MIWB ), so that everyone can understand the rules. In this way the teacher can directly check the abilities in oral production, written production and in pronuncation , too.

Now the teacher provides the class a clear and exaustive text speaking about "HOW FOOD PRESERVATION WORKS". The students already know the topic in their langyuage but this test provides them the equivalent specific vocabulary in English that thay have to acquire. This text can be read together on the IWB but it's also provided in a printed form for every student. It's possible to print it in a different layout for Students with mixed educational diroders ( bigger letters, clearer layout, more space between lines ...) The teacher can also underline the importance of acquiring an English professional vocabulary, as they are almost at the end of a Professional Institute and the labor mobility could bring them working in a foreign country to gain experience. ( The printable text is ANNEXE 1 to the presentation. )



SOME VIDEOSto watch at home before the third lesson


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The last two activities are task based and situated in a real context, that means that the students are required to face a task and to producea concrete output. In activity 3 teay have to work in small groups in order to produce a presentation. Each group choses a food preservation method and produces a detailled presentation. This includes a research activity on the Internet, the use of a program such as CANVA or Power Point, the image searching. Students must cooperate to produce a good and complete presentation; they should divide the task in parts and each one of them should take care of a specific sector ( finding information, finding images, create the presentation etc. )



The last activity is an oral exposition of each group presentation to the classmates. Students can present their Canva or Power Point on the MIWB, also showing sources, websites, images they chosed. Each group has 20 minutes time to expose its work and everyone should participate and present a part of the reasearch. POSSIBLE EXTENSION OF THE ACTIVITY: In a seond time, if the students found the activities particularly interesting and stimulation, it's possible to share the research result with other students/classes/schools using the E-TWNINNG platform.

Lessons using the ESA methodology could be highly effective

When working in groups it could be very useful starting with a brainstorming phase, in which every student can give his contrubute.

Students are required to manage with problem solving tasks: through a particular and situated task they take possession of the necessary communication skills to spend in the outside world to interact ( TBL- Task Based Learning ).

Students are required to work in pairs and in small groups ( peer-to -peer tutoring, group working and cooperative learning )

It's important to create a positive and collaborative athmospere in the class that puts everyone in the right mood to participate with his own capacities and point of view.

Traditional lessons should be limited to only explaining the steps of the task; the teacher chooses a wide range of various activity to promote every learning style among the students and to practise all the language skills.


It's fundamental to make the students feel at the centre of the learning process . The teacher acts like a coach but respects the students' autonomy


E. De Bono, "Six Thinking Hats", 1985

This is a problem solving technique proposed by E. De Bono, that allows people to look at a specific problem in six different ways. According to this approach it's very useful working in teams because each student can "wear" a different hat and take care of a different perspective. In this way every group memeber gives his concrete contribute to the final goal. This technique avoids taking any instinctive position, too. The working group evaluates each point of view and by the end of the activity everyone has a wide range of insights to consider, in order to decide together the next steps.


Stephen Kreshen

The best methods are therefore those that supply " comprehensible inputs" in low anxiety situations, containing messages that students really want to hear"

Stephen Kreshen - The Natural Approach

"We are born to acquire a language, That's the way our brains are"

  • Having all the materials downloaded on a pendrive ( if possible having anticipated some materials home - flipped classroom - so that students can arrive with and idea of multimedial tools; sending videos, texts, URL links to approach the topic )
  • The teacher brings his own device or students can work on the same activities in larger groups ( this if it's not allowed the BYOD ).
  • Mantaining a fast rythm, often proposing a change of activities
  • The teacher gives him/her an active role (e. g. presenter in the activity the class is doing so that he/she's engaged in a spoken interaction that needs more concentrationfrom his/her side )
  • The teacher must use comprehensible and situated inputs. Every input has to be contextualized using e. g. videos or images to support the explaines concepts .
  • Internet doesn't work
  • Some devices don't work
  • General loss of concentration
  • A single student disturbs the lesson or disengages
  • Some students ( not only or not necessarily ones in disadvantage ) don't understand


Summative assessment evaluates the students' learning at the end of a didactic unit. They usually have an high point value. The summative assessment here is the realization of a final task on the treated topic ( presentation about a specifica wy to preserve foods - in both written and oral exposition ) Summative assessment shows if the students have totally reached the expected goals, if partially or not at all.

Summative assessment (at the end)

Formative assesseant ( in itinere)


The continuous observation of the students gives the teacher an immediate feedback on motivation and inputs comprehension. Moreover the teacher can propose the students some formative assessment during the lesson, such as the grammar exercises in class and the request to use grammar rules in order to produce sentences about the given topic ( food preservation ). Formative assessment usually have a low point value . They are useful because they make the teacher understand if his inputs are effective or not and allow him to adjust the lesson if necessary. At the same time formative assessment helps students to identify their strengh points or the weakness ones on which it's necessary to work harder. The teacher observes in particular the kind of interactions during the cooperative activities and the respect of the good social rules.


can write short text expressing concept using a simple vocabulary

can interact and express ideas in a very simple way

can read simple sentences

can understand very basic vocabulary and sentences

can write a coherent text using part of the specific vocabulary

can interact and express opinions in a correct way upartly using a specific vocabulary

an read longer sentences

can understand the main points of the texts

can provide a weel-organised text using the acquired specific vocabulary

can interact and express fluently and corectly ideas and opinions, using a specific vocabulary

can read complex sentences in a proper way

can understant the general meaning of a new test with specific vocabulary






Well Done




concerning the topic "FOOD PRESERVATION"



The teacher gives the students a feedback form they can complete about "How do they feel" after the lesson or "what do they think" about the specific activities done. This form can perhaps be sent to everyone's Google school account using Modules on Google Workspace, so that students con fill the form and send it back to the teacher's account without handing papers. Students are also required to express their feedback about learning, using a grid about what they can do after the lesson.

Teacher self-assessment


The teacher assess his work about three main points: inclusion motivation effectiveness

Students' feedback




Written Sources: A. Bennet, E. Caminada, M, Grotto, M. J. Hogg, A. Meo, P. Peretto - "Top Class" - the cooking, Bar and Pastry world, HoepliG. Colavita - "Igiene e tecnologie degli alimenti" - edizioni PVIOnline sources:all the videos and website whose URL have been set as interactive tool in this presentation.