Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




would you dare?






1. Choose your avatar: Select any character form the board.2. Roll the dice: Each player will have a turn to roll the dice, to do it just click on the dice at the left side of the board. 3. Taking steps: Follow the path corresponding to your character, you'll take the number of steps the dice get. 4. Watch out with special cells: Can you see a mark? You will have to answer or complete the challenge if you want to keep going. 5. Wrong answers or incompleted challenge: If you can't answer or don't complete a challenge you'll take 3 steps back.6. Who wins?: First player getting to the center and completing the final challenge wins the game!


if you get this far, make a click...


Restart game

Roll the dice!

Would you dare?

every time you roll the dice you'll imitate the animal that belongs to your character the rest of the gameyou will take 3 steps back every time you forget to do it

you have 20 seconds to draw an ufo kidnapping a cow

imitate any cartoon character the player in front of you decide

you have 5 seconds to name 3 animals that have horns

you have 5 seconds to name 3 animals with four legs

you have 10 seconds to make laguh someone in the team

You have only 30 seconds to find something silver

Final challenge!

you have 5 seconds to name 3 things you do in the bathroom

you have 20 seconds to draw on the board a frog jumpig over an airplane

you have 5 seconds to name 3 movies about aliens

you have 5 seconds to name 3 things you're not allowed to do in school

you have 5 seconds to name 3 animals that live in the ocean

name your favourite color

you have 15 seconds to find something yellow

exchange places with someone in a different team for 1 turn

you have 30 seconds to draw a dragon with fire coming out from its mouthlet someone in the team set a timer

When is your birthday?

you have 5 seconds to name 3 red fruits

if you could wish anything, make 3 different wishes you would ask

you have 5 seconds to name 3 different vegetables

you have 15 seconds to win paper-rock-scissors against the person in front of you

you have 5 seconds to name 3 sports you have to play in water

if you were any cartoon character, who woul it be?

you have 5 seconds to name 3 things that you bring to school

you have 5 seconds to name 3 singers

you have 30 seconds to find something pink

exchange places with a person

you have 10 seconds to win a rock-paper-scissors game against the person next to you

every time you roll the dice you'll imitate the animal that belongs to your character the rest of the gameyou will take 3 steps back every time you forget to do it

if you could choose any superpower, what would it be?

you have 5 seconds to name 3 places you can visit on vacations

you have 20 seconds to draw an upside down car under water

you have 30 seconds to find something red