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Kevin Hudak

Foundations of Customer Service

Training & Implementation

3rd & 4th Quarter Initiatives

Reconditioning Process Alignment

Service to Sales

In Dealership Appraisal Process

GM Strategy for Enhancing Lead Response Effectiveness & Performance

GM Strategy for Enhancing Lead Response Effectiveness & Performance

Reduce the chances of missed communication.

  • Customers feel valued and appreciated, enhancing their overall experience.
  • The General Manager gains real-time insights into customer interactions and store performance.
  • The GM can quickly identify and address any process inefficiencies or gaps.
  • Sales staff are motivated to provide exceptional service, knowing customers have a direct line of communication to management.
  • Automated messages ensure consistent follow-up, reducing the chances of missed communication.

GM Automated Text Messages

GM automated text unsold showroom visit
GM automated text contacted & no appointment set
GM automated text not contacted

Key Areas to Ensure Success:

  • Sales staff may fail to accurately update the customer's status in the CRM or neglect to log communication properly.
  • Sales staff may neglect to set the text opt-in status for customers.
  • GMs may be too busy to respond promptly, leading to delays in customer communication.
  • Customers might feel ignored or undervalued if they never receive a response from the GM, diminishing their overall experience.
  • Sales staff could lose confidence in the GM and the dealership, affecting team morale and performance.
  • If the GM doesn't actively engage, customers may perceive the communication as insincere or merely automated, reducing its impact.

GM Automated Text Messages

Track the number of customers who engage with GM and proceed to purchase


Monitor “Unanswered” communications


Add MMS templates in participating dealership CRM’s (Include GM Response options)


Train staff to update status when customer is contacted


Create a “Contacted” custom status in VinSolutions


Obtain GM Approval


GM Auto Text Implementation Plan

In Dealership Appraisal Process

  • Identify Trade Opportunity: During the needs analysis, sales staff recognize when a customer plans to replace their vehicle, indicating a potential trade-in.
  • Introduce the Process: Sales staff explain that the most efficient and time-saving approach is to have the buyer review the trade-in vehicle and conduct a market analysis to offer the highest possible trade-in value in parallel to test drives.
  • VIN Scanning: Sales staff scan the vehicle’s VIN using the VinSolutions app to initiate the appraisal process. Once uploaded to VinSolutions salesperson pushes the vehicle information from VinSolutions to vAuto.
  • Appraisal Questionnaire: The salesperson prints out the appraisal questionnaire from VinSolutions, walks the trade-in vehicle with the customer, and discusses the vehicle's condition.
  • Photo Documentation: Sales staff take photos of the trade-in vehicle utilizing the vAuto app for record-keeping, further analysis and initial day 1 fresh inventory photos.
  • Form Submission: The completed appraisal form, printed with all fields completed, along with the vehicle keys, is handed over to the appraising manager for review. *Hand written customer & vehicle information is not acceptable. Vehicle condition and notes should be hand written.
  • Manager's Review: The appraising manager reviews the form, writes notes to justify the vehicle’s value, and ensures that no on-site appraisals are completed without a properly filled-out form. Appraising manager takes a photo of the appraisal questionnaire.
  • This streamlined process ensures a smooth, transparent, and efficient experience for the customer while providing the dealership with accurate and timely information.
Sales Staff Appraisal Process

Appraisal Questionnnaire Form

Track “Look to Book” trends


Monitor appraisal photos for picture of the completed form


Monitor number of appraisals with NO customer attached (excluding purchases)


Ensure staff is trained on mobile app for VinSolutions and vAuto


Train staff on overall process


Load Trade Appraisal Questionnaire form into VinSolutions


Obtain GM/UCM Approval


Appraisal Process Implementation Plan

Key Areas to Ensure Success

Delayed Appraisals

  • Slow appraisals can frustrate customers and erode trust.
Poor Communication
  • Lack of clarity in explaining the process can cause customer confusion and mistrust.
Missed Follow-Up
  • Delayed responses can make customers feel neglected and hurt sales.
Unqualified Staff
  • Inexperienced staff handling appraisals can lead to errors and poor customer experiences.

Service to Sales

  • Configure X-Time to ask service customers if they want their vehicle's market value and train advisors.
  • Train staff to highlight benefits like lowering payments, avoiding service bills, and key swapping.
  • Automate texts offering free vehicle evaluations via VinSolutions, with responses directed to sales managers.
  • Create a system to distribute appraisal opportunities to qualified salespeople.
  • Set up automated reports on interested customers and distribute them to managers.
  • Standardize notifications from service advisors when vehicles are ready for appraisal -Telegram
  • Instruct salespeople to engage waiting customers about the appraisal process.
  • Ensure appraising managers perform thorough appraisals promptly after notification.
  • Train salespeople to convey appraisal values and key swap options to customers.
Service to Sales Implementation Plan
  • 48-Hour Turnaround: Ensure vehicles are front-line ready and online within 48 hours.
  • Immediate Photo Upload: Use appraisal photos (uniform photos right/left front) to upload images as soon as the vehicle is added to inventory.
  • Fresh Trade Handling: Move all trade-ins to the designated fresh trade area immediately after the customer leaves; return keys to vehicle file folder to be registered into key tracking device.
  • File and Key Management: Create a vehicle file folder with keys and documents, secured in a locked cabinet; log keys into the key tracking system.
  • Detailing Process: Detail all vehicles; detailers retrieve keys from key tracking system, even if the vehicle is in their possession.
  • Photography and Stickers: Take photos first, then add stickers, including a service needed sticker, after photos are completed.
  • Service Coordination: Park vehicles needing service on the sales lot; service department retrieves and returns them, even if parts are needed.
  • PDR and Service Parallel Work: Complete PDR from the sales lot concurrently with service work.
  • Process Management: Manage all vehicles through the Recon Velocity program for efficiency and tracking.

Reconditioning Road Map

  • Conduct a strategic review with the GM and UCM to ensure alignment with their current process, using strategic approaches to gain their commitment with a new process.
  • Ensure entire staff is certified to take appraisal photos which are uploaded immediately when vehicles are added to inventory.
  • Determine “parking area” for fresh trades. Hold team accountable to move vehicles immediately and stock trades in.
  • Standardize who creates vehicle file folders and secure keys in a locked cabinet, logging them into key tracking system.
  • Train detailers to obtain keys of all vehicles from fresh trade parking area.
  • Create service required window sticker. Possibly Foundation F logo indicates the vehicle still requires service while appearing inconspicuous to customers on the lot.
  • Capture photos first, then apply all necessary stickers, including service stickers.
  • Synchronize PDR and service tasks in parallel, tracking them via Recon Velocity.
  • Use Recon Velocity to oversee and optimize the entire reconditioning process.
Reconditioning Road Map Implementation Plan

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