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Hwb BugeiliolPastoral Hub

Hwb DysguLearning Hub

Y Ffreutur / The Canteen Dewch am baned, i flasu ein bwyd ac am sgwrs am ParentPay! Come for a cuppa, to taste our food, and to talk about ParentPay!

Yr Adran Gelf | The Art Department (Llawr 1af | 1st Floor) Ffansi creu bathodyn neu ddarn o gelf? Dewch i'n gweld yn Yr Adran Gelf! Fancy making your own badge or a piece of art? Come to see us in the Art Department!

Yr Adran Gelf | The Art Department (Llawr 1af | 1st Floor) Ffansi creu bathodyn neu ddarn o gelf? Dewch i'n gweld yn Yr Adran Gelf! Fancy making your own badge or a piece of art? Come to see us in the Art Department!



Tudalennau / Pages

Y Ffreutur / The Canteen Dewch am baned, i flasu ein bwyd ac am sgwrs am ParentPay! Come for a cuppa, to taste our food, and to talk about ParentPay!

Y Cylch Canol / The Central Circle Man cyfarfod perffaith | The perfect meeting spot

Canolfan y 6ed Dosbarth / The 6th Form Centre Croeso i Adeilad y 6ed Dosbarth! Mae ein Prif Ddisgybl, Dylan Hulmes, a digyblion eraill y 6ed Dosbarth yn edrych ymlaen at ddangos ein hadeilad modern i chi! Mae yma Helfa Drysor a GWOBRAU GWYCH! Welcome to the 6th Form Centre! Our Head Pupil, Dylan Hulmes, and other 6th Formers look forward to showing you around! They have a Treasure Hunt and AMAZING PRIZES

Yr Adran Saesneg / The English Department Croeso i'r Adran Saesneg! Dewch draw i roi cynnig ar ein gweithgareddau amrywiol, gan gynnwys ein Scrabble Llawr! Welcome to the English Department! We have organised various activities for your to enjoy, including our Floor Scrabble!

Yr Adran Wyddoniaeth / The Science Department Eisiau gweld/gwneud arbrofion gwyddonol cyffrous? Dewch i'r Adran Wyddoniaeth! Do you want to see/take part in science experiments? Come over to the Science Department!

Dylunio a Thechnoleg / Design and Technology Ydych chi eisiau gwneud eich key ring eich hun? Beth am ddysgu am Roboteg Lego? Eisiau gwneud gweithgaredd ditectif? Hoffi coginio? DEWCH DRAW I'N GWELD YN YR ADRAN DYLUNIO A THECHNOLEG! Do you fancy making your own key ring? What about learning about Lego Robotics? Do you want to do some detective work? Do you enjoy cooking? COME TO SEE US IN THE DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT!

Yr Adran Gerdd / The Music Department Dewch i'r Adran Gerdd i gyfansoddi ar ein iMacs, i wrando ar berfformiadau cerddorol...ac i gymryd rhan! Come to the Music Department to compose on our iMacs, to listen to a few musical performances...and to take part yourself!

Yr Adran Fathemateg / The Maths Department

Yr Adran Ddyniaethau / The Humanities Department Dewch i gwrdd â'r tîm! Dyma goridor Addysg Grefyddol, Daearyddiaeth a Hanes, ac mae gennyn ni LAWER o weithgareddau ar eich cyfer! Come and meet the team! This corridor is where you will find Religious Education, Geography and History, and we have LOADS of activities for you!

Y Theatr | The Theatre Dewch i weld disgyblion Yr Adran Ddrama yn perfformio! Amseroedd isod! Come to see pupils from the Drama Department perform on stage! Performances start at: 5:15 | 5:45 | 6:15 | 6:45

Yr Adran Addysg Gorfforol / The Physical Education Department Dewch draw i weld ein gweithgareddau athletau dan do yn y Neuadd Chwaraeon! Come to the Sports Hall to see our indoor athletics activity!

Yr Hwb Bugeiliol / The Pastoral Hub Dewch am sgwrs ac i weld pa fath o gefnogaeth fugeiliol sydd ar gael ym Morgan Llwyd! Come for a chat and to learn what kind of pastoral support we offer at Morgan Llwyd!

Yr Adran Ieithoedd Modern / The Modern Languages Department (Llawr 1af / 1st Floor) Bonjour! | ¡Buenos días! Croeso i'r Adran Ieithoedd Modern! Dewch draw i ymarfer eich Ffrangeg/Sbaeneg yn ein caffe Ewropeaidd ac i roi cynnig ar ein gemau ieithyddol, rhyngweithiol! Bonjour! | ¡Buenos días! Welcome to the Modern Languages Department! Come to practise your French/Spanish in our European café and to try out our interactive, linguistic games!

Adran y Gymraeg /The Welsh Department Dewch draw i'r Adran fyrlymus hon i roi cynnig ar ein gweithgareddau! Mae gennyn ni Helfa Drysor, gemau ieithyddol...a chacennau i chi! Come to our thriving department to try some of our activities! We have a Treasure Hunt, linguistic games...and Welsh Cakes for you!

Yr Ystafell Gynhadledd / The Conference Room Dewch am sgwrs gyffredinol gyda Miss Catrin Pritchard (Pennaeth) a/neu am sgwrs am Ddysgu/Addysgu/Trosglwyddo gyda Mr Bryn Jones (Pennaeth Cynorthwyol)! Come for a general chat with Miss Catrin Pritchard (Headteacher) and/or to talk about Teaching/Learning/Transition with Mr Bryn Jones (Assistant Headteacher)!

Y Cae Pob Tywydd / The All-Weather Pitch Mae ein cae pob tywydd yn boblogaidd IAWN! / Our all-weather pitch is VERY popular! Dewch draw i wylio twrnament pêl-droed Blwyddyn 7/8! Come to watch our Year 7/8 football tournament!

Astudiaethau'r Cyfryngau | Media Studies Oes gennych chi ddiddordeb mewn ffilmiau? Dyma'r lle i chi! Do you have an interest in films? This is the place for you!

Yr Adran Gelf | The Art Department (Llawr 1af | 1st Floor) Ffansi creu bathodyn neu ddarn o gelf? Dewch i'n gweld yn Yr Adran Gelf! Fancy making your own badge or a piece of art? Come to see us in the Art Department!

Gweithiwr Ieuenctid / Youth Worker Mae ystafell Julie Davies yn y Llyfrgell. Dewchi gael sgwrs am y gefnogaeth mae hi'n rhoi i'n disgyblion! Julie Davies has a quiet room in our Library. Come for a chat to understand what kind of support she can offer to our pupils!

Yr Adran TGCh | The I.T. Department (Llawr 1af | 1st Floor) Dyma'r lle i ddysgu am godio (Minecraft), animeiddio a datblygu sgiliau digidol! This is THE place to learn about coding (Minecraft), animation and developing your digital skills!

"Camau" Canolfan Cefnogi Dysgu / Learning Support Centre (Llawr 1af / 1st Floor) Dewch i ddweud "Helo!", i wneud ychydig o gelf a chrefft a/neu i addurno bisgedi! Come to say "Hello!", do some arts and crafts and/or decorate some biscuits!

Yr Hwb Dysgu / The Learning Hub Dewch i gyfarfod Mrs Einir Lois Jones (Dirprwy Bennaeth) a Mr Iwan Ellis (Pennaeth Cynorthwyol)! Mae Mrs Jones ar gael i drafod y Cwricwlwm / pa bynciau sydd ar gael ym Morgan Llwyd, ac mae Mr Ellis ar gael i drafod Tracio Cynnydd ar Go4Schools. Come to the brand new Learning Hub to meet Mrs Einir Lois Jones (Deputy Headteacher) and Mr Iwan Ellis (Assistant Headteacher)! Mrs Jones is available to talk about the Curriculum / which subjects are available at Morgan Llwyd, and Mr Ellis is here to discuss Progress Tracking on Go4Schools.