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Theory to Practice e-Learning Module

The Theory of Learning


Activity 3 & Embedding

Activity 2

Activity 1

Theorist Resources

Reading & Research

Learning Objectives


Learning Objectives:

LO1: To identify the key features of six Educational Theorists.LO2: To explore their work in relation to your context.LO3: To create a classroom approach or activity based on what you have learnt.

Benjamin Bloom

"What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with appropriate prior and current conditions of learning"


1859-1952 USA

'Progressive Education' . To learn by doing. Educational philosophy of pragmatism. Child centered approach allowing them to explore their environment.

John Dewey


1913-1999 USA

Classification of educational objectives (Bloom's Taxonomy) and the theory of mastery learning.

Benjamin Bloom


1939 - Pesent USA

Experiential learning is a process by which knowledge results from different combinations of grasping and transforming experiences.


David Kolb

1896-1934 Russia

The major theme of Vygotsky's theoretical framework is that social interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition.

Lev Vygotsky


1896-1980 Switzerland

Schemas: The building blocks of knowledge. Adaptation processes: These allow the learner to transition from one stage to another. Stages of Cognitive development: Sensorimotor; Preoperational; Concrete Operational; Formal Operational.

Jean Piaget


1904-1990 USA

A psychologist who believed that observing people's behaviors is key to understanding how they learn. To Skinner, learning meant changing behaviors. Key term: Operant Conditioning.

B.F. Skinner


Who do I relate to?

Pick one of the six Educational Theorists identiified. Use the practical context page to start exploring how you can embedd their ideas into your lessons. Create a classroom resource or activity based on what you have learnt about that practitioner. 1. Record your progress by clicking the info button above. 2. Post your resource or activity idea to the Yammer Group 'Motivation Station!' (don't forget to join the group whilst you are there to see other ideas that people add)! 3. Add to the post the Educational Theorist you were looking at!


Active Learning Ideas...

B.F. Skinner


Jean Piaget


Bloom & Vygostksy

Use these resources as a starting point for your research into your preferred Educational Theorist...

Practical Context:


Who don't you relate to?

Select the Educational Theorist from the six presented that you consider to be furthest away from your own views. Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen Educational Theorist. You will probably be able to identify the weaknesses and threats quickly... but can you see the other perspective using the information and resources provided?


Who would you like to be more like?

Select one more of the six practitioners that you have enjoyed reading about or perhaps did not know so much about prior to this e-Learning module. Plan a lesson exclusively in the style of this practitioner. Use any of the MKC Lesson Planning Templates to support you (Click link below). When complete TRIAL YOUR LESSON WITH A CLASS...


Trial & Reflection of Resources

Take the resource, activity and lesson plan you have developed. Trial it with your classes! Consider the impact on learning... was it positive? Negative? Did it run the way you expected? What problems did you encounter? What unexpected success did you have?


Don't forget to test your knowledge with the quiz...

Well Done!

You have explored six Educational Theorists and tried to adapt their ideas to your own practice. Perhaps you have found your guru... or perhaps you need the next installment of Educational Theory e-Learning to inspire you further!