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Claire Rouquette - Service Qualité TSM

September 2024

How to foster student's motivation through teaching

Motivation in learning

ED Workshop #2

30 min
Findings sharing
4 min
20 min
Reflexivecheck out
10 min
35 min
20 min
25 min
5 min
25 min
What is motivation ? Factors & impacts
Motivating through teaching posture
The three cornerstones : group work
Learning memories
  • Context: why this workshop ?
  • Rules
  • At the end of the workshop, you will :
- identify the main motivational levers in learning by recalling your own learning experiences and brainstorming collaboratively. - assess how to take these levers into account in teaching techniques that support students motivation.- (start to) become aware of your posture's impact on the audience's motivation
  • Remember a (de)motivating learning experience.
  • Think about a word to qualify it.
  • Share it with your neighbor 2*2.
  • Share this word with the class on the board.
  • Mirror : are there opposites between the motivating and demotivating words ? If not can we find some ?
Learning memories

Latin "movere", to move.

Pr. Andrew Martin

“Students energy and drive to learn, work effectively and achieve their potential and the behaviors that follow that energy and drive” “Thoughts behaviors and feelings that reflect that energy and drive”

What is motivation
According to Pr. Rolland Viau's researches

ReputationProjectsGraduationDoes it foster students autonomy ? ...

CultureDoes it value education?Does it value this field ? Job market's situation ...

Climate, groups works, activities, teachers impact...

Family environment, school history, perception of his/her own value, student job, etc

University, school
Students themselves
Student's motivational dynamic
Its many factors
Pr. Andrew Martin
The wheel: https://lifelongachievement.com/pages/the-wheel
Its impacts on the learning process

Successful students ' motivational profile:

  • Attach a strong value to academic tasks
  • Feeling of their own competency
  • Like challenges in the tasks
  • Persistence and they search alternative solutions
  • Consider evaluations not like a sanction but like a step in the learning process

Pr. Franck Amadieu
Its impacts on the learning process
Are there similarities with the learning memories ?
According to Pr. Rolland Viau's researches
Am I able ?Perception > Reality
Do I have a say ?Autonomy
Is it important ? Useful ?
The three levers of motivation
According to Pr. Rolland Viau's researches

Courses Activities Evaluations

Are there similarities with the learning memories ?
Do I have a say ?Can I be autonomous ?
Am I able ?Perception vs Reality
Is it important ? Useful ?
The three levers of motivation
  • Three groups :
    • value
    • ability
    • controlability
What elements & behaviors in teaching can have an impact on each of these aspects of motivation ? Brainstorm in your group and come up with elements (types of activities, types of assessments, way to deliver them, teacher's behaviour, teaching approach etc.)
The three cornerstones : group work
One person in a group comes and shares one idea on the board. If another group has a similar finding, bring it up on the board as well.Do the ideas come together under bigger themes?
The three cornerstones : sharing findings
Clarity, precision about what is expected
  • Explain the learning objectives
  • Andrew even says "take the mystery out of what is good"
Teaching tips
Vary learning activities
  • Inclusion: various learning profiles, address this variety.
  • It fosters mastery goals
Teaching tips
Image @ https://www.letsgolearn.com/reading-assessment/what-is-the-zone-of-proximal-development/
Aim for zone of proximal development
  • A high challenge can be motivating only if enough guidance is provided / strong students can help others
  • A low challenge is proven to be demotivating
Teaching tips
Mitigate the perception of incompetence
  • Assess pre-requisites, manage their absence
  • Prepare to the evaluation, give enough information and resources about them
  • Make evaluations private
  • Remind that mistakes are part of the learning process
Teaching tips
Provide accurate feedback
  • Sandwhich approach
  • Participates to create a positive class climate
Teaching tips
"We make what we project onto others"
  • Go to the students you are least comfortable with (avoid Golem effect)
  • Protect and respect all students
Teaching tips
Offer active teaching activities
  • Think Pair Share
  • Projects : Viau has shown that students perception of value, ability and controlability is higher in a project activity than in problem solving tasks or a lecture.
Teaching tips
  • Provide the students with the opportunity to make choices
  • Makes them responsable for their learning process
  • Value personal work
Teaching tips
Links with real life, concrete examples, authenticity
  • Real problems from authentic situations
  • Link with their real needs
Teaching tips
  • Make links with other courses
  • Offer projects with other disciplines
  • Helps to anchor learning
  • Adds meaning
Teaching tips
Make your teaching explicit
  • Show the meaning of activities subject and why do we chose to teach that way (fosters mastery goals)
  • Be a learner
Teaching tips
Teaching tips

Describes Rosenthal's Pygmalion effect. Teachers told that randomly selected students were about to experience an intellectual growth spurt. These student actually experienced a significant boost in performance because of the teacher's expectations.

According to students questionnaires, the perception of the quality of teachings is due to:

  • Harmonious relationship with the teacher (empathy, etc).
  • Preparation and deployment of the course (way to deliver the topic: link with every day life > perception of utility, use cases, anecdotes, recent references / animation: non verbal communication, encourages participation, fosters curiosity, humor, clarity.)
  • Encouragement : gives support, hope / inclusion (acknowledgement that the group has diverse levels / motivates students with difficulties and stimulates the curious / does not humiliate.)
  • Is fair egalitarian, no favors.
  • Time passed with the students (gives his email, answers quickly, allows time for questions).

Kandelwhal, 2009
Theory addition

Theory of achievement goals (PINTRICH, Dweck)Mastery goal : desire to understand, to command the field, based on a personal progress > they chose difficult tasks, associated with better performances # contrary to students with a performance goal = they try to demonstrate their skills, they compare themselves to others; confronted to tasks, they chose the ones which reassure them, they are vulnerable to failure.

Theory addition
-Framing voice & posture
- Engaging voice & posture
- Everyday tiredness voice & posture
Teachers' posture : role play

We always are teachers in progress.

As trainers, we have a part of responsability but we can't influence all motivational levers.

Students' motivation is a goal, not a prerequisite.

  • What do I already do that is motivating in my teaching ? (What will be natural for me ?)
  • What do I feel like developping ?
  • Think for yourself 2 min.
  • Share : bring your post its and share your ideas with the class.
Check out

Any ? on course design, please reach out to me through the GClassroom or to claire.rouquette@tsm-education.fr CC digiteam@tsm-education.fr.

Viau, R. (2009). La motivation en contexte scolaire. De Boeck.

Csíkszentmihályi, M. (2008). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. New York, NY: Harper Perennial.


K. Ann Renninger, Suzanne E. Hidi. (2019) The Cambridge Handbook of Motivation and Learning, K. Ann Renninger, Suzanne E. Hidi. Cambridge University Press.

Nève-Hanquet C. Crespel Routledge A. (2020) Facilitating Collective Intelligence A Handbook for Trainers, Coaches, Consultants and Leaders. Routledge.

Teach for life, Think, pair, share, YouTube, 20/09/2018 [03/09/2024] 1min10s, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mig4olzUy4M&t=19s

ICAP PENSERA, La motivation à apprendre des étudiants mieux comprendre pour mieux agir, Rolland Viau, YouTube 18/12/2013 [03/09/2024] 1h20min43s, available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30h3q-jai9I

SIA Echanges pédagogiques, Motivations et stratégies d'apprentissage de nos étudiants, Franck Amadieu, SIA's website 10/09/2019 [03/09/2024] 55min39s, available at https://sia.univ-toulouse.fr/node/506

The Education Hub, What switches students on and off? The Education Hub's website, 02/06/2022 [03/09/2024] 1h00min29s, available at https://theeducationhub.org.nz/what-switches-students-on-and-off/

Webinars & videos

TSM, The motivation quizz [03/09/2024], available at https://view.genial.ly/62b427c80967150011f618b7

The Education Hub, Motivation Infographics, [03/09/2024], available at https://theeducationhub.org.nz/motivation-infographic/

TSM, How to give constructive feedbacks [03/09/2024], available at https://sites.google.com/tsm-education.fr/intranet-tsm/services/Qualite/Innovation-pedagogique/ing%C3%A9nierie-p%C3%A9dagogique/Supports-pedagogiques?authuser=0

HEC Montréal, Motivation des apprenants [03/09/2024], available at https://ernest.hec.ca/video/DAIP/pdf/Motivation_des_apprenants.PNG?_gl=1*h10n14*_ga*NjQ1MTMzMzY4LjE2NzQ0NzY1OTA.*_ga_FPW0B8V0CE*MTY3NDQ3NjU4OS4xLjAuMTY3NDQ3NjU4OS42MC4wLjA.*_fplc*blR4QkM5SlpGQWhwcVBZMnhuN2hXRG5HSVZ4WjRYVjUlMkZNR2FPNnlXeWwwRTlNTzROckpuVERabjk1YzhEVDROS0k2NHYwWFluOWQ4SHgxbSUyRiUyRnlTMFMlMkZrMVBQQ3pjZlhBYUZvam9NeGlUVmY1RFc0YmlzcnBwdFE0UExhVmclM0QlM0Q.

Online pedagogical resources

The Education Hub, The role of motivation in learning, https://theeducationhub.org.nz/motivation/

The Education Hub, 10 strategies that promote motivation, https://theeducationhub.org.nz/10-strategies-that-promote-motivation/

Websites articles

Bucheton, D. (2020). Les gestes professionnels dans la classe – Éthique et pratiques pour les temps qui viennent. Paris : ESF sciences humaines, collection PÉDAGOGIES.

Simone Volet, Sanna Järvelä (2001) Motivation in Learning Contexts. Theoretical Advances and Methodological Implications, Elsevier.

Sören J. Traulsen , Lysann Zander (2024) Straighten your back, open your arms! Effects of instructor's body postures in educational videos on students' interest and motivation Institute of Education, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

Research articles