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San Francisco is considered a very advanced city in waste management, having huge composts programs and a high-tech AI rubbish sorting. But this isn't what we are here for!

How is San Francisco an advanced city?

The average carbon footprint per capita in San Francisco is of 5 tons of Co2 per year.

Average Carbon footprint in San Francisco.


It is the number of waste produced in SF every year!


It is the unemployment rate in SF, under the historical Av. of 5.1%.

Urban and sustainable metropolis

San Francisco, a City


SF city is a good destination for cycling, as there are more than 740 km of lanes in the city!!! Since 2006, it growed 184%. Now, the mayor decided to add an averrage of 20 miles of bike lanes per year. After the COVID, 50 miles were added.

Market Street, a street crossing San Francisco will be partly pedestrianized. Lately, there has been another project: Tenderloin Traffic Improvement had the goal to make pedestrians and cyclists safer. They achieved that and earned 8 million dollars they will reinvest similarly.

MUNI, the San Franciscan public transport, includes its buses, metro and cable cars. They recently finished a new 2.7 km underground, ended in 2023. It is now also adding electric buses. There are currently 5 of them. MUNI is used aproxinately 750,000 times a day.

Cycling Lanes





Título aquí

We now probably agree on the fact that San Francisco is quite advanced in social and economic sustainability but has yet to learn in ecology. We have seen that its transport, even as one of the most walkable big cities in the US, is mainly centered in car, which should be evitated. This, is the end of the infography.



Bart was ideated in 1946, and started its construction in the 1960's. It costed 13 million dollars and covered 9,6 km. It is the 6th busiest subway line in the USA



By November 5, the Great Highway, a highway all along the west coast could be car-free! But that isn't much of the 2119 km of road in San Francisco...


Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a plan to have no deaths because of traffic in SF. Since it started in 2014, bike accidents went down by 33%, and pedestrians accidents, by 32%. This has been mainly done thanks to the new limit at 30km/h on 71 km.


The most employing service in SF is Scientific and Technical, with over 200.000 employees.


Approximately 442,000 public parking spaces in San Francisco.


36.8% of people from San Francisco have one car.


14.9% of people from San Francisco have more than 3 cars.

20.2% of people from San Francisco have no car, and only 3,7% in whole California!

28.2% of people from San Francisco have two cars.

In California, 15.2% of people have more than 4 cars.