Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



La missióde les castanyes daurades

Hola, petits i petites! Sóc la Maria castanyera, i tinc un gran problema... He perdut totes les castanyes màgiques! Sense elles, no podré fer la festa de la Castanyada, i això seria un gran desastre! Però sé que vosaltres em podeu ajudar! Hi ha unes proves màgiques que heu de superar. Cada vegada que en feu una bé, aconseguireu una castanya màgica.Si les trobem totes, podrem salvar la festa! Esteu a punt per començar l'aventura i ajudar-me? Vinga, confio en vosaltres!


Maria Castanyera

Què has aconseguit?

Fes el trencaclosques d'en Marrameu per aconseguir una castanya màgica


Intenta realitzar el trencaclosques!

Trencaclosques màgic

Write here the incorrect answer

Write here the correct answer

Write here the incorrect answer

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads?

Question 1/4

Write the incorrect answer here

Write the correct answer here

Write the incorrect answer here

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to convey and are a support to add additional information?

Question 2/4

Enter theincorrect answer

Enter theincorrect answer

Enter thecorrect answer

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories on their own and also keep thebrain awake?

Question 3/4

Enter the incorrect answer here

Enter the correct answer here

Enter the incorrect answer here

Did you know that multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect in your creations?

Question 4/4


Lesson learned!

Well done!


You fell!

Magic Progress

Potions. Drag the circleover the potions tofind the missing letter.

Lesson 02

Drag the circle and findthe letter.





What is the correct way to write this word?

Question 1/4

Que letra falta?

Drag the circle and findthe letter.





What is the correct way to write this word?

Question 2/4

Que letra falta?

Drag the circle and find the letter.





What is the correct way to write this word?

Question 3/4

Que letra falta?

Drag the circle and find the letter.




WOW e_fect

What is the correct way to write this word?

Question 4/4

Que letra falta?


Lesson learned!

Well done!


It's poison!

Oh no! You added the wrong ingredient to the mixture and created poison, go back to correct the mixture.

Magic Progress

Divination. Can you predict the future by seeing just one card?

Lesson 03

Enter the incorrect answer here

Enter the incorrect answer here

Enter the correct answer here

Enter the incorrect answer here


How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivities, or animations?

Question 1/4

Write the incorrect answer here

Write the incorrect answer here

Write the incorrect answer here

Write the correct answer here


It is clear that when making purchases, the emotional component is a driving force, but what is the exact percentage of purchases we make thanks to emotions?

Question 2/4

Enter the incorrect answer here

Enter the correct answer here

Enter the incorrect answer here

Enter the incorrect answer here


What would you use in your presentation to entertain, provide relevant information, and capture your audience's attention?

Question 3/4

Enter thecorrect answer

Enter theincorrect answer

Enter theincorrect answer

Enter theincorrect answer


What percentage of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli, such as images, interactivities, or animations?

Question 4/4


Lesson learned!

Well done!


Bad omen!

Magical progress

Enchantments Which of these options is the best choice?

Lesson 04

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads?

Question 1/4

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to convey and provide support to add additional information?

Question 2/4

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories by themselves and also keep the brain awake?

Question 3/4

Did you know that multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOW effect inyour creations?

Question 4/4

Magical progress


Manual completed



You can nowpractice sorcery!



Your progress will be lost, and you won't learn how to do witchcraft.

Are you sure you want to exit?

Become an expertin witchcraft!

To do this, you must complete the sorcery manual by overcoming each of the 4 lessons you will find:· Haunted forest· Potions· Divination· Enchantments. Test your magical skills and try not to fail or you will have to repeatthe test.