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Fall Book Club

AP Literature Presents...
Book Club #1

Follow all steps, complete activity

Social Contracts Doc

Make a copy, submit on Canvas.

Book Club #2

Follow all steps, complete activity

Book List & DATES

Review as needed.

Follow all steps, complete activity

Book Club #3

Access this doc to take notes as a group. Make a copy.

Meeting NOTES

Follow all steps, complete activity

Book Club #4






The focus for this week's Book Club is on Setting & Character. Discussions should center around this question: In what ways does the author use the setting to convey the values and beliefs of the characters that reside within it?

Creative Product


What to Look For

Passage Example

Book Club #1

Step 1. Close Reading Passage
  • Review the chapters/pages you read for today.
  • Choose a short passage that details the setting.
  • Choose 1-2 passages that describe the main character(s)
Step 2. Analysis Guide
  • Click the button below.
  • Consider what to look for when analyzing the characters and setting.
  • How do they interact with each other?
Step 3. Discussion Questions
  • Answer the following discussion questions together as a group.
  • Consider specific parts of the text/evidence that support your responses.
  • Answers to these questions will serve as a guide for your creative product.
Step 4. Creative Product

Using your discussion and notes from today's meeting, individually complete the Creative Product. Submit in Canvas.

Collection of Capt. Ancrew Luck Tweets

Where did this idea come from?

A few years ago, a parody Twitter account called Capt. Andrew Luck began posting tweets from the perspective of a Civil War era Andrew Luck (quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts at the time). Each tweet was addressed "Dearest Mother" and contained a summary of the game as if Andrew Luck were writing from the front lines of battle. To the right are some examples.

Journal Entries/Letters Home

What does your character have to say?

Using the Canva link on the right, create a series of 3 journal entries or letters home from the perspective of your main character(s). Each entry must acknowledge the setting, the character’s role in the story, and their goals for where they are in the story currently. Consider their voice, motivations, personality, and conflicts as you compose a piece from their perspective. Include images that relate to your character’s experiences.

Click here to access the Letters Home/Journal CANVA template.

Click Here

Click Here


Click Here

What role do the archetypes and patterns present in your novel take to develop the author’s message?

Close Reading & Archetype Resources

Click the button for more information on archetypes, patters, & specifics for the close reading.

Discussion Questions

Answer the discussion questions in your meeting notes.

Creative Product

Review all instructions for this week's creative product.

Book Club #3

How does the author use a symbol or motif to develop a theme in the novel?
Close Reading

Consider which passages you'd like to close read.

Analytical Questions

Answer the discussion questions in your meeting notes.

Creative Product

Review all instructions for this week's creative product.

Click the buttons for details on each of the following:

Planning Process

Final Product Overview


Book Club #4 - Final Meeting

How does the writer make literary elements work together to arrive at thematic messages?

Final Discussion

Archetypes (Heroes)

Archetypes & Patterns Resources

Close Reading Passage

Common Patterns in Literature

Click and review the links below. Each one contains information on different literary patterns and common archetypes found in literaature.

No longer than 2 pages. Provides a quality example for archetypal analysis. Should represent one of the following:

  1. Character
  2. Action
  3. Object
  4. Setting
  5. Color/number/other

A Look at Archetypes

Excerpt from The Poisonwood Bible

Imagine a ruin so strange it must never have happened.First, picture the forest. I want you to be its conscience, the eyes in the trees. The trees are columns of slick, brindled bark like muscular animals overgrown beyond all reason. Every space is filled with life: delicate, poisonous frogs war-painted like skeletons, clutched in copulation, secreting their precious eggs onto dripping leaves. Vines strangling their own kin in the everlasting wrestle for sunlight. The breathing of monkeys. A glide of snake belly on branch. A single-file army of ants biting a mammoth tree into uniform grains and hauling it down to the dark for their ravenous queen. And, in reply, a choir of seedlings arching their necks out of rotted tree stumps, sucking life out of death. This forest eats itself and lives forever.

Passage Suggestions:

  • Less than 2 pages
  • Choose them together as a group
  • Section should be an overview of the setting & characters
  • Use these as evidence for today's discussion

  1. What motif or symbol is used several times throughout the novel?
  2. Identify diction and detail that are used to develop the symbol or motif in each passage.
  3. How is it the same and different in each instance?
  4. What value does this motif or symbol add to developing meaning in the text?
Analytical Questions

Discussion Questions

Together with your group, answer the following discussion questions based on your Close Reading passage(s). Keep track of your responses in your meeting notes.

  1. What archetype(s) is evident in this section?
  2. Evidence of this archetype?
  3. Is the archetype used as you would expect? Why? Why not?
  4. What value does this archetype add to developing meaning in the text?

Discussion Questions

  1. What details can you determine about the setting?
  2. How do these details help you to make inferences about the beliefs, experiences, and values of the characters?
  3. Who are the primary characters? Characterize them.
  4. Do the characters meet your expectations of someone from their setting? How so? If not, how?
  5. In what ways does the author use the development of the setting to convey the values and beliefs of the characters that reside within it?

Close Readings - Three separate times a symbol or motif occurs. Requirements - No longer than 2 pages - Provides three related instances of a common symbol/motif.- Consider which thematic topic your chosen symbol connects to.

Close Reading Passages

  • Important events: Together with your group, consider which events are the most important to developing meaning in the text. Which are most critical at the beginning, middle, and end of the story?
  • Thematic Topics: Together with your group, consider the issues developed through the conflict and tension the character(s) encounters in the novel. List 3 conflicts and their possible corresponding thematic topics.

Final Discussion

Multigenre Archetype Connection

Create this using a Canva infographic, mind map, presentation, or any other format that will help you organize this information.

Individually, convey your understanding of this archetype by finding and analyzing three or more works (song, poem, film or tv scene, tweet, meme, etc) which employs the archetype in a similar way. Include an analysis & explanation for each reference.

  • Identify & define the archetype (first entry)
  • Describe an example of the archetype in your novel
  • Analyze/explain at least 3 external examples of the same archetype.
  • Include supporting evidence in the form of images, links, and/or quotes
  • Turn in to Canvas

  • Plan where and how this vlog will be made
  • Outline what’s to be discussed
  • What quotes will be used for support?
  • What visual aspects will be included?
  • What should be included in the summary?
    • At least - characters, setting, conflict, important events, general movement of the plot.
  • How will theme be addressed? Decide roles for group members.
  • StoryBoard the events and elements of the trailer
  • Plan what the trailer will look like
  • Where will this be filmed?
  • How will the setting be conveyed?
  • How will the characters be represented?
  • What scenes and quotes/dialogue will be showcased?
  • How will the style (symbols, motifs, archetypes, etc) be addressed?
  • How will themes be addressed?
  • Decide roles for group members.
Book Trailer
Vlog Novel Analysis

Planning Process: Things to Consider

Create a video blog that discusses the central elements of the novel in a way that informs/teaches the reader. Requirements:

  • Summary (movement of the plot)
  • Characters, setting, conflict.
  • Analysis
    • How literary elements (symbol, motif, style) come together to make meaning.
  • Discussion of central themes
  • Utilizes visual aids

Create a trailer that showcases the central elements of the novel in a way the piques the interest of the viewer. Requirements:

  • Captures the central themes
  • Addresses characters and setting
  • Addresses main conflict
  • Exhibits elements of style, symbols/motifs, etc
  • Visually pleasing/well thought out

Book Trailer
Vlog Novel Analysis

Final Product

Directions: Using a blank sheet of paper, create a One-Page Analysis of your Motif/Symbol. It must include: - Motif/Symbol and Related Thematic Topic - Minimum of two color images - Minimum 6 Quotes: Diction, Details, Figurative Language and Images- Thematic Statement

Creative Product: One-Pager


Book Trailer Examples

Vlog Example



What am I looking for?


Where?When?Surroundings? Buildings/houses?Culture/tradition?Weather?

Direct?Indirect?POV?Clothing? Personality?