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Welcome to the SDS Digital Guide!

This is your interactive crash course through our most common processes!

To get started click this


Registration, Semester Request, Appointment Request, Placement Testing, Note Taking, Test Scheduling

Core Sub Request, Housing Accommodate Request, Reporting an Access Concern, Most Common Accommodations

Assitive Technology, Alternative text Format Request, Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services, Temporary Injury or Illness

Registration, Viewing Letters, Viewing Approved Accommodations, Semester Request, Test Booking, Making an Appointment

Common Resources

Secondary Resources

Other Resources


Common Resources


Semester Request

Appointment Request

Placement Testing

Note Taking

Test Scheduling

The steps to get registered with SDS

The steps to submit and search for previous Semester Requests

The steps to get an appointment with a staff member


The steps to schedule future tests to be taken with us

Secondary Resources

Core Substitution Request

Housing Accommodation Requests

Report an Access Concern


Most Common Accommodations

The list of the most common accommodations given

The way to report access concerns around campus

To request our two types of housing accommodations

To request a course requirement removal for Language and Math

Other Resources

Assistive Technology

Alt. Text Format Request

Deaf and Hard of Hearing


Temporary Injury or Illness

Assignment Extension

Student resources

If you need temporary accommodations due to injury or illness

If you need an extension on an assignment




Semester Request

Appointment Request

Test Booking

Viewing Letters

Approved Accommodations

The steps to get registered with SDS

The steps to submit and search for previous Semester Requests

The steps to get an appointment with a staff member

The steps to booking future tests to be taken with us




Before you can get anythign done with SDS you must be registered.

Click Here to View Video Aid

Click Here to View Steps With Pictures

Steps to Register




Semester Request


Click Here to View Steps With Pictures

Click Here to View Steps With Pictures

Semester Requests must be submitted EVERY semester to recieve accommodations.

Click Here to View Video Aid

Click Here to View Video Aid

Submitting a NEW Request

Searching for OLD Requests



Appointment Request


Click Here to View Steps With Pictures

Click Here to View Video Aid

There are several different types of appointments that can be made to interact with our staff. All of which should be scheduled through accommodate.

Steps to Request an Appointment



Placement Testing



Note Taking



Test Scheduling

Click Here to View Steps With Pictures

Click Here to View Video Aid


All tests to be scheduled with SDS must be scheduled at least 96 hours in advance.

Test Scheduling Steps



Core Substitution Request

201 Level Language Requirement

Mathematics GEP Requirement

It is possible to get the 201 Level Language and the Math GEP requirements waived if you have disabilities that truly limit your ability to complete these requirements.



Housing Accommodation Request

Emotional Support Animal

Request for Medical Single

We offer two types of accommodations for housing. Emotional Support Animal assistance and request for a single room.**


Reporting an Access Concern


Report an Access Concern

To report an access concern you see around campus follow the link below.



Most Common Accommodations

Below is the list of our most common accommodations. Accommodations are assigned by a case by case basis.

  • Placement Testing Accommodations
  • Accommodated Testing/Exam Administration and Proctoring
  • Note-Taking Assistance (Sonocent/Glean Audio Notetaking, Echo Smartpens)
  • Interpreting/Transcribing Services
  • Alternate Format Course Materials (for printed or inaccessible text)
  • Assistive Technology (ex., Jaws, Read & Write Gold, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Kurzweil software are all available to use on campus)
  • Accessible Housing & Related Housing Accommodations
  • Advocacy and Advising in working with faculty and staff on access solutions



Assistive Technology



Alt. Text Format Request



Deaf and Hard of Hearing



Temporary Injury or Illness

Students that get injured or sick and feel that they may need accommodations can use our sevices and get some!

Resgister with SDS

Schedule an Intake appointment

When scheduling make sure you note that this is for TEMPORARY accommodations so we can make sure you get the most accurate help at the time



Assignment Extension



Student Resources






Approved Accommodations



201 Level Language Requirement

Click Here to View Steps to Make Appointment

Click Here for Email Guidlines

You can get the chance to have the requirement waived through either making an appointment with us or writing us an email. *Your disability must show that it impairs you with speech and language skills*



Mathematics GEP Requirement

Click Here to View Steps to Make Appointment

Click Here for Email Guidlines

You can get the chance to have the requirement waived through either making an appointment with us or writing us an email. *You must have a documented learning disability in math*



Emotional Support Animal

It is possible to get an Emotional Support Animal (ESA) *Your disability must indicate the need for an ESA*

To get an ESA on campus it requires communication between the SDS office and ResLife.

Register with SDS

Fill out the ESA form There must be a clear connection to the student being impaired without the animal as opposed to having itSet up an Appointment to discuss your disability needs with the animal



Request for Medical Single

It is possible to get a single room while living on campus.*Your disability must include a request for this*

  • If accommodation is approved you will then have to communicate with ResLife for further steps

  • Register with SDS

Your disability must clearly state how it affects your daily life and should have a description of how living in a shared space would nagatively affect you

  1. access accommodate through sds landing page
  2. click on appointments
  3. request new appointment
  4. choose the type of appointment that is needed
  5. select date and time range
  6. select length and locations
  7. check and select what counselors are available
  8. check availibility
  9. submit

Steps to Request

  • When writing your email be sure to include what your disability is
  • Be sure to include all previous attempts at taking language classes
  • Be sure to include all that has been used to help you in the past in all previous attempts

Email Guidlines

1. SDS website landing page2. Click "getting started" 3. Click "registering w/ SDS"4. Click disability registration form 5. Fill out6. Submit

Steps to Register

  1. access aaccommodaate through SDS landing page
  2. Click accommodations
  3. Click semester request
  4. Click add new
  5. Select Semester this is to be used for
  6. Click review to make sure everything is okay
  7. Select every accommodation. to be used for every class
  8. submit

Submitting NEW Request

  1. Through accommodate follow the steps to make an appointment
  2. Choose to have it be online or in person
  3. Make a note that this is specifically for course removal

  1. access accommodate through sds landing page
  2. click on appointments
  3. request new appointment
  4. choose the type of appointment that is needed
  5. select date and time range
  6. select length and locations
  7. check and select what counselors are available
  8. check availibility
  9. submit

Steps to Request

  1. Select start and end date
  2. select the past semseter to be viewed
  3. search and select

Searching for OLD Requests

1. SDS website landing page2. Click "getting started" 3. Click "registering w/ SDS"4. Click disability registration form 5. Fill out6. Submit

Steps to Register

  • When writing your email be sure to include what your disability is
  • Be sure to include all previous attempts at taking math classes
  • Be sure to include all that has been used to help you in the past in all previous attempts

Email Guidlines

  1. access accommodate through sds landing page
  2. on left hand side of accommodate home select "testing rooms"
  3. click new booking request
  4. select course
  5. select date and time range
  6. Y/N final exam
  7. choose the testing room
  8. enter in instructor information
  9. Y/N if it sbeing taken at the same time as the class, if it is on blackboard, and if it is a make up test
  10. select needed accommodations
  11. submit

Test Scheduling

  1. Select start and end date
  2. select the past semseter to be viewed
  3. search and select

Searching for OLD Requests

  1. access aaccommodaate through SDS landing page
  2. Click accommodations
  3. Click semester request
  4. Click add new
  5. Select Semester this is to be used for
  6. Click review to make sure everything is okay
  7. Select every accommodation. to be used for every class
  8. submit

Submitting NEW Request

  1. Through accommodate follow the steps to make an appointment
  2. Choose to have it be online or in person
  3. Make a note that this is specifically for course removal

  1. access accommodate through sds landing page
  2. on left hand side of accommodate home select "testing rooms"
  3. click new booking request
  4. select course
  5. select date and time range
  6. Y/N final exam
  7. choose the testing room
  8. enter in instructor information
  9. Y/N if it sbeing taken at the same time as the class, if it is on blackboard, and if it is a make up test
  10. select needed accommodations
  11. submit

Test Scheduling