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Virgin of Guapalupe: - Represented as the sun -> iluminating Chicanos - Gives hope to the Chicano community - Significant religious sign

Evolution of the mexican history: -Chronological order: · Aztec -> Spanish colonizer -> revolutionary -> chicano. - Visual representation of the mexican cultural roots in the chicano community.

Two Cultures: - American culture, ex: Orchards: grapes from California - Mexican culture, ex: Cacao

Popocateptl- Sierra Madre: -23% of Mexico - Sierra Madre Oriental and Occidental communicate with both territories: Mexican & American

Aztec pyramid & Aztec: - Mexican culture - Recolecting corn

Sun : we can see again the sign of the Virgin of Guadalupe, renforcing the importance of the catholic ideology -> protects them (students).

Chicano student: - We can tell is a chicano students thanks to his backpack, way of dressing, and mexican features.

Chicano hands -> protecting their community and educational rights from insecurity. Weapons -> insecurity, segregation from white Americans.

- Again, representation of the Popocateptl (volcano).

- Agaves: production of tequila. - Important US and Mex. economy

Chicano flag:- Created by Cesar Chavez (UFW: United Fram Workers)- Aztec eagle up-side-down -> forming an Aztec pyramid emphasizing the mexican culture.- Burried in American floor, meaning "taking back the New Aztlán", represented as with the monument "Raising the flag in Iwo Jima" in L.A.