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Student-Led Guided Instruction

Adding Student-Led Activities without losing control

Student-led learning isn’t about leaving kids to fend for themselves; the goal is to foster a learning environment where students have the support and structure, they need to make decisions.


  • Builds community in the classroom
  • Increases intrinsic motivation
  • Students take ownership of their learning
  • Learners think for themselves
  • Encourages ACTIVE participation
  • Make memorable connections
  • Improves problem-solving skills
  • Fosters cooperation and teamwork
  • Engage in topics of interest
  • Decide the path of learning that best suits their needs
  • Move at their own pace
  • More invested
  • Deeper understanding of the content


Why Student-Led Learning?


+ Info

Session Goals

Learn about and implement small adjustments in sync classes to allow the learners more autonomy and control, without losing the students or yourself to chaos.

Let's pick a video:

  • Option 1: Ted Talk on Why the shift to student-led makes sense
  • Option 2: Katie Novak explaining why the shift makes sense
  • Option 3: Example and Demonstration of a Student-Led B&M Classroom
  • Option 4: Katie Novak explaining how UDL and student-led with choices work together

What it Can Look Like

Click info to see some ideas of where to begin

build up step by step throughout the year

Start small

1st Stop

+ Info


Many times jobs stop at co-host, but here's a list of some unique jobs your learners can start with.

By giving student leaders jobs to do

You can get the ball rolling

Learner Jobs

Read More

How to Engage Gen Alpha in Class?

  • Build a balanced and multifaceted teaching environment –
  • While Gen Alpha is a social media generation, TikTok dance is not the only way to engage with them.
  • It is important for educators to appreciate their unique traits but, at the same time, acknowledge that Gen Alpha can inherit various timeless values and traits from previous generations, such as diligence, perseverance, critical thinking, and entrepreneurial mindset.
  • By creating a balanced learning environment that blends modern technology with foundational teaching principles, educators can effectively engage and empower Gen Alpha to thrive academically and socially.

Connecting with this Generation



Best month

Medium temperature

2nd stop

Once your learners have step 1 down

Add More Chances

Create additional ways for them to take ownership of their class and learning.

+ Info

+ Info

Learner Choice

Looking to offer your students more options in their learning pathway?

You are rocking those initial steps!

Offer Choice

The benefit of having common assessments is that all grade level teachers can work together to help lift the load. Work with your cohorts to make this not a heavy task for one educator.

Work Together

Too many options can get overwhelming quickly. Aim for 2-4 choices for the learners to start with. You can add more intricate boards later on in the year when the learners get the hang of things.

Students should be offered the traditional assessment as a choice, sometimes they would rather take a quiz than do the choice board.

Traditional Learners

Choice Board Reminders

Limit Choices

Explore boards

Create an explore board for your kids to get their information. Have them choose their pathway to learning! This can be for the full lesson, or individual parts, Check out some examples below!

Explore Board

+ Info

+ Template

Use them to help you have your learners take the lead. Click below to see some ideas and some norms for BORs!

But so rewarding for your learners

They can be scary...

Breakout Rooms

+ Info

Lesson Scramble

+ Info

Let's see what they can do! Lesson Scramble Time! You can "lock" certain parts of the lesson for them to not be able to complete without completing an earlier step, or you can keep everything unlocked!

Your Kids are now pros

Frontline Link: Be sure you are logged into Frontline before clicking the link!

Extra Resources

Instructional Coach Portal Page: Let us help you plan, or even co-teach so you have extra hands in case behaviors crop up! Find our Bookings here to get started!
Ed Tech Portal Page: new to using Genially, Padlet, etc. then this page contains awesome supports to help get you started!


We appreciate your attendance and participation today!

  • Send them to their rooms and tell them to have fun and focus on the assignment
  • Let go of the idea of full accountability – some students will not respond, but most will. You can discuss with unresponsive students and their LCs some other time.
  • Use the breakout room monitor window in Zoom to see which groups aren’t talking – go there first and ask simple questions like “could you please let me know if you’re there?” then get the conversation going.
  • Set aside more time than you expect at first (i.e., 20 minutes rather than 10); they will grow more efficient with breakout rooms over time.
  • Afterward, bring them back to the main room and debrief on the content of the activity as well as their social-emotional experience in breakout rooms (“Did you have fun?” “Did everyone treat each other kindly?” “Would you like to do more activities like this in class?”)
Helpful Hints


Create jobs for each learner in the breakout room. Try to stick to 3-4 learners per group so that it feels safe and learners have a better sense of security to participate.

Provide different rooms for different reasons to help your learners explore their learning in a way that best benefits them!

Start Small: Learners take the lead with the small things first.

Do you have a daily routine with your classes? Do you use Classroom Screen or another tech tool to show what the class will be about?Have learners volunteer to lead Wordle Wednesday, or Trivia Tuesday. Have learners volunteer to read the objectives of class and have a chat discussion about what the class thinks the day will have them complete.

Roadmap Example


Scramble the Whole Class

Give the learners a road map of the different parts of the lesson and have them pick where to go. They could pick an exit ticket first, let them, and have them struggle together for a bit. This is a great way to facilitate problem-solving!

This or That

Let your students choose where you go next in your lesson by offering choices and having them vote. examples:

  • Do you want to do word work or writing next?
  • Do you want to do the knowledge test or the phenomena?


Choice Boards

Help students practice making decisions and explore who they are as learners.

Be sure to make them robust and meaningful!Sometimes too many choices can be overwhelming for learners- start small (3 options) and build from there!Differentiate learning to meet the needs of your students and remove barriers.These could be used as an alternative project or assessment, a way to learn about a new topic or research historical or current events with different media (articles, podcasts, videos, etc.)

Choice board templates: Genially Padlet Need some ideas for a choice board? Padlet now has an AI feature that will generate a list of class activities for you to choose from as you build your board!

What other jobs do you use?What other jobs can you think of? Brainstorm in the chat!

  • Door Monitor: Let the learners into class
  • DJ: Sets the tone of class by creating a soundtrack
  • Sketch Artist: Uses their talents to sketch a summary of the days class
  • Commentator: Invites the learners to join in the lesson by announcing the objectives like a sportscaster would including kid jargon
  • Joker: Tells the class a joke to announce brain break time
  • Summarizer: Bring the group back together by summarizing what happened before breakout rooms, brain breaks, small groups, etc.

Job Ideas and Descriptions

  • Consider having your students create the questions for the game. There are lots of ways you can collect them: Microsoft Forms, webmail, chat, Zoom poll, or add a short answer question in the Edio lesson.
    • This is a great way to infuse active learning into your classroom and encourage critical thinking.
    • Students love being recognized for their contributions!
  • You could even have a student or small group of students create the review game via Kahoot or another platform. *I would suggest reviewing the questions before sharing them with your class.
    • If you get enough interest for a small group offer open office hours in Zoom so they can meet and collaborate in a safe space.

More ideas....

Planning a review game for an upcoming assessment?


Learner starts or ends class..

By leading the bellringer or exit ticket, they create a warm and inviting atmosphere that helps everyone feel comfortable as you begin or wrap up our class. If any behaviors arise that stray from your class norms, gently reset those expectations together. It's important to remind everyone that this is for their benefit, and if needed, we can take a small step back to refocus. Embrace your role in the classroom and your class management while encouraging our learners to take ownership of their own learning journey.