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Rising Action

Falling Action



  • Setting:Alabama, 1910, the town of Summit
  • Characters:Red Chief, Bill, Sam, Ebenezer Dorset

  • Bill and Sam need $2,000 for a scheme. They decided to kidnap a child in Alabama

Inciting Event

  • Bill and Sam decide to kidnap Dorset’s son

  • They pick the kid up in their buggy and carry him to the cave.

  • Red Chief says he doesn’t want to leave and tortures Bill.

  • Sam sends the ransom letter to Red Chief’s father.

  • Bill makes Red Chief go home, but he follows him.

  • Red Chief’s father sends an answer saying that he will take his son back if the kidnappers pay him $250.

  • Bill and Sam return Red Chief to his father and pay Mr. Dorset $250.

  • Bill and Sam set out for the Canadian border.

Directions: Label each part of plot and then drag and drop the plot elements from Ransom of Red Chief

Ransom of Red Chief Plot Diagram