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reading and my child's reading record

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

Reading Records are a way for you to record the reading you do at home with your child. Reading Records look different this year and it may seem a little confusing. Each page represents a week and children record their reading book at the top of each page.You will only work on one page per week.

In Key Stage 1, children will take home a phonics book and a choice book. In Key Stage 2, children will take home an Accelerated Reader book and a choice book. Any children in Key Stage 2 taking part in Rapid Catchup will take home a phonics book also. You can tell which book is which by looking at the label.

At the top of the page, your child will record the book they are currently reading. When you hear your child read, you can sign their record to show that you have listened. Each box in the Reading Record represents a different day of the week and needs to be signed. Your child's teacher will check their Reading Record every day to see if they have been reading at home.

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

Signing the Reading Record is a bit more complicated than last year. Children will need to read once over the weekend and you will sign in the first signature box.

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

T. Parent

Signing the Reading Record is a bit more complicated than last year. On Monday night, sign the Reading Record for the 2nd read.

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

T. Parent


T. Parent

Signing the Reading Record is a bit more complicated than last year. On Tuesday night, sign the Reading Record for the 3rd read.

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

T. Parent


T. Parent

T. Parent

Signing the Reading Record is a bit more complicated than last year. On Wednesday night, sign the Reading Record for the 4th read.

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

T. Parent


T. Parent

T. Parent

T. Parent

Signing the Reading Record is a bit more complicated than last year. On Thursday night, sign the Reading Record for the 5th read.

War Horse (Michael Morpurgo)

The Wonder Graden (Jenny Broom)

T. Parent


T. Parent

T. Parent

T. Parent

T. Parent

Don't forget that your child will earn a Golden Ticket for every evening that they read, to be spent in the Golden Shop. Teachers will ensure all pupils recieve their Golden Tickets when their Reading Records are checked each morning.


If you want to write a comment in your child's Reading Record, you can do so in the 'Family Comment' section.If your child reads to an adult in school, that adult may record a comment in the Reading Record.Your child's teacher may also record any spellings your child is finding tricky, for them to learn at home. This will be in addition to the spelling lists they will bring home weekly.

Don't forget that if you find it tricky to find time to read with your child at home, you can come in every morning to the Reading Cafe, which takes place every day in the Hazel Library from 8.35 - 8.50.

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