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Materials Needed

Computer with internet access

Database Diagramming tool

(Lucidchart, Draw.io, MySQL Workbench, or use a standard PPT)


You'll need the worksheet to complete this module and submit your work!The workbook is available to fill in alongside the steps, you'll just need to download it once you've answered everything


Preparation Task (10 minutes)

Research Task (20 minutes)

Analysis Task (15 minutes)

Create Task (40 minutes)

In this job simulation you are going to take on a series of tasks that make up a genuine, day-to-day expectation of a Data Visualisation Specialist working in a Finance company. is going to be your task to put together a collection of organised data that can be easily accessed, managed and updated. This would be a genuine day-to-day task within the role.

If you're ready, click the next button to get going!

Document and Present (10 minutes)

Reflection Task (10 minutes)

Expected Outcome



Imagine you are a newly employed Data Visualisation Specialist working in a Finance company. It is going to be your task to put together a collection of organised data that can be easily accessed, managed and updated. This would be a genuine day-to-day task within the role.Objective: Understand the data context and plan the database architecture.Before you get started, here’s a refresher on some key principles you’ll need to use throughout this simulation:

Preparation task (10 minutes):

Database: a collection of organised data that can be easily accessed, managed and updated.

Table: a collection of related data in a database, organised into rows and columns.

Attribute: represents a specific piece of information about each record in the table.

Relationship between tables: tables are linked to each other through relationships, allowing them to share information.


Step one: Take a good look at the following e-commerce dataset. You will be using this throughout the activity.https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ruchi798/shopping-cart-database

Step two: Using the customers' table in the dataset from step one, identify the most popular state.

Step four: Sketch a rough outline: Draw a basic outline or list of entities (tables) and relationships (e.g., "Customers", "Products", "Orders"). This will serve as a rough draft before you begin creating the database diagram.

Step three: define goals. You'll need to identify the goal for visualisation - what you are trying to achieve by acquiring this data - the important columns and the best visuals to document the data you need. You need to define these goals for the following:

  • Customer Data
  • Product Data
  • Order Data
  • Sales Data





Input your dataon the next page

Preparation task (10 minutes):


Preparation task (10 minutes):


Now that you have completed the preparation task, you will need to complete some research to help provide you with the knowledge you will need to continue putting together your collection of organised data.Objective: Conduct research on database best practices and gather insights on how to design a well-structured database.Step one: Search for online resources or guides on database design principles, focusing on structure, relationships (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many), and indexingStep two: find examples. Look for examples of database diagrams in your industry scenario (e-commerce database structure).Step three: take notes. Summarise key points that will influence your database diagram, such as how to avoid redundant data, improve query performance, and design for scalability.

Research task (20 minutes):





Step four: Think about data flow.Consider how data will flow between these entities, especially for data visualisation purposes (which tables will provide the necessary information for dashboards or reports).

Analysis task (15 minutes):

Input your dataon the next page

Having collated your research, you’ve now got an understanding of database design. So, now you need to critically evaluate the dataset to identify core entities, define their relationships and map out the data flow, in order to support efficient data management and visualisation for your business. Objective: Critically analyse the components of the dataset to identify key entities and relationships.Step one: Based on your research and understanding of the business scenario, identify some interesting data from one table and identify the appropriate chart to visualise this data.

Step two: Create the appropriate graph to visualise your data.

Step three: Identify relationships. Determine how these entities relate to each other (one customer can place multiple orders, and each order can contain multiple products)






Analysis task (15 minutes):





Create task (40 minutes):

It’s time to put your preparation, research and analysis to use by designing a database diagram that’s going to support efficient data management within your Finance company, maintain data integrity and reduce redundancy. Objective: Design a relational database schema. Use a database diagramming tool to create a schema that meets the necessary requirements. Step one: Use the tool: Open a database diagram tool such as Lucidchart, Draw.io, or MySQL Workbench Create entities: Start by creating the tables/entities for your business case (e.g., "Customers", "Orders", "Products")Step two: Define fields: For each entity, define key fields (attributes), such as customer ID, product name, order date, etc. Ensure each table has a primary keyStep three: Define relationships: Connect the tables by drawing relationships between them, using foreign keys to enforce links. For example, link "CustomerID" in the “Orders” table to the "Customer" tableNormalise the database: Ensure that the diagram follows normalisation principles to reduce redundancy and maintain data integrity. Use techniques like splitting out repeated data into separate tables ("Categories" for product types)Step four: Add data types and constraints: Include data types (integer, varchar) and constraints (not null, unique) to make the diagram more precise.





Input your dataon the next page

Useful online tools:



My SQL workbench


Create task (40 minutes):


Document & present (10 minutes):





It’s important to document your design decisions; summarise key relationships, normalisation strategies and how the structure supports data visualisation to meet your business’s needs. Objective: Document your design decisions.Step one: List the key relationships included in your database diagram, specify the type of each relationship (e.g. one-to-one, one-to-many) and the reasoning behind them. Step two: Describe how you ensured data normalisation (e.g. removal of redundancy, ensuring data integrity) Step three: Explain how the database structure supports effective data visualisation for your business case.Step four: Document specific examples, such as tracking customer orders over time, analysing product performance or supporting dashboard metrics.

Input your dataon the next page


Document & present (10 minutes):


Reflection task (10 minutes):

Now that your database diagram is complete, it’s time to reflect on the design process, evaluate how the final structure aligns with your initial vision and consider improvements that could enhance data visualisation and overall functionality. Objective: Reflect on the process of creating a database diagram and its importance for data visualisation.




Expected outcome

By completing this simulation, you will gain practical experience in creating a detailed database diagram. This exercise will enhance your understanding of how to model databases for optimal data retrieval and visualisation. You will also develop skills in structuring complex data, ensuring efficient relationships between entities, and applying database best practices.

Expected Outcome
