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Professor: Rodrigo Peña Cabra

Bases of neuroeducation

3. Exercises and video resources

- Atention

- Curiosity

b) Emotions are the key



1. Basic neuroeducation

a) What is "neuroeducation"?

b) Some basic brain pillars

c) Learning earlyd) Intervening early

2. How we create our reality?

a) The importance of the sensory

What's your idea of neuroeducation?

Basic neuroeducation

Dyslexia, autism, ADHD, learning disabilities...

From school to University

be better teaching

Neuroscience affecting everything: neuroarquitecture, neuroeconomy...





part of "neuroculture"

detect psychological and neurological problems

new future citizens

Thanks to balancing emotion and knowledge

get the most out of the human brain

a. What is neuroeducation?






Science language

Difficulty in transmitting knowledge and scientific language to teachers

what discovery is useful?

Scientific data that is really useful and can be applied in the classroom

be realistic

Don't exceed expectations, keep calm...

be aware of neuromyths

many legens, many uses of "neuro" to sell books...

can be use with wrong hands

To manipulate, to create better customers, etc


Some problems can appear...
"If the brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we would not understand it." George E. Pugh

b. Some basic pillars of the brain

we know a lot but we doesn't know a lot...

- The brain wit more connections and neurons- Still discovering how it works- More types of intelligence?

- Pieces that come from the environment and are inserted at a specific moment: language, emotions, etc.- There are "micro windows", days or hours

"Plastic windows"

Building the brain =

DNA + environment

The best example of "plastic window"

konrad lorenz experiment

-Plastic window called "imprinting"- To survey, follow the mother- Just a few hoursI-nstinct plays a very important role in all animals, including humans. -This contradicted some behaviorist theses, which postulated that all human behaviors were learned.




Mature here: Prefrontal cortex is the last to mature. Human values ​​(ethics, reasoning, responsibility, etc.)

Just a week with eyes closes at the begining have consecuences forever

"Plastic windows" in humans

there are many of them for everty process

Mature here: Curiosity, emotion, empathy,memory, atention...

"Plastic window" of language

the most important one


close at that age

- Born with the potential to speak.- We are soial beings.- Is our best tool to survey.- After that age if you never heard, you can't speak

If never spoke with relativies won't speak

- Or if can speak, it will be very bad.- Parents must talk to the baby.- It helps also to understand the world.- Don't know the meaning but understand the emotion.- They will be better at school..

So... What can we do?

"Plastic windows" offers a lot of opportunities

Can this knowledge help us create better teaching?

Should education last until the age of 25-27?

Is it necessary to change the structure of the educational system?

But... what if each person has different windows and micro-windows?


Educational revolution?
  • All ages are diferetns: teenagers sleep more...
  • Revolution needs money
  • More distance between social classes
Empathic understanding
Shared atention

c. Learning early

3 key social factors in learning:

1. Imitation

from the parents: what & how they do

- Very positive: accelerates learning.- A lot of time If children had to learn by themselfes.- Almost a copy: example of cup of tea.

2. Shared atention

from the parents: what & how they do

- Two people looking the same thing.- When an adult look something, child do the same.-- Helps learning meanings.- Experiment 9 months and robot.

3. Empathic understanding

from the parents: what & how they do

- Before the language.- Expirement with false finger injury.- Children less than 3 years old.- Give adult something that aprreciate like a teddy bear.

After 4 years in bad environment , coulb be a damage forever

increases stress hormones that negatively affect learning

stable, stimulating and protective

d. Intervening early

Neuroscience can help detect learning problems

- Thanks to this, you can intervene early.- Intervene early could solve the whole problem.- A good environment builds good pillars for learning- A bad one- Since born to 4 years change a lot of the structure.- Individualized education is very important but it takes a lot of money

How we create our reality?

Why do many children remember for a lifetime, for example, the excursion in which their teacher explained to them the different types of flowers?

Pleasant and intense!

- Because it activates our oldest and deepest brain.- To learn starts with play, movements, colors... no abstract ideas- Learning and memorizing linked to emotional processes.- Learn in this context is pleasant and intense.- Till 2-3 years learn like that.

Why do many children remember for a lifetime, for example, the excursion in which their teacher explained to them the different types of flowers?

...emotions are the most powerfull comunication in all species... EVEN HUMANS!
...because it activates our oldest and deepest brain...

Abstract language started there

a. The importance of the sensory

understand our evolution to understand us

- Changesf from direct emotional language (signs and onomatopoeia) to symbolic

From the concrete to the abstract...


homo habilis





Mature here: Prefrontal cortex is the last to mature. Human values ​​(ethics, reasoning, responsibility, etc.)

Just a week with eyes closes at the begining have consecuences forever


"Plastic windows" in humans

there are many of them for everty process

Mature here: Curiosity, emotion, empathy,memory, atention...

Sono carne e sangue
Sunt mână cu mână

Emotion & cognition

What do you do to teach with emotion? Wich emotion is important when you teach?

Share in class with us

Learn and memorize
Help to survey?
Something new


mammals are very curious by nature

- Always exploring.- Thanks to random moments, discover new things.- These discoveries are stimulating.- For the brain somenthing out of monotony could menas survival.- If is survival thing, brain learn and memorize it

Curiosity is based on pleasure

Children are very curious

humans are very very curious by nature

- To learn we need something interesting and new.- To play needs curiosity. - To play is the most important way to learn.- To play is a mix of curiosity and pleasure.- To learn give us pleausure like sex, to drink or to eat.- Curiosity is based on pleausre.

Stimulate in children "1" and then appear "2"

2 types of curiosity:

1.Diversified perceptual curiosity

usual, the common one

- When we feel bored and alone it appears.- Also when there are novel external stimuli.

2. Epistemic-specific

something much more concrete

- Specific search for knowledge.- The need is satisfied when knowledge is achieved.

how they are?
2 types of children:

Very curious

- They react positively to what is new: they approach it, look at it, etc.- Wants to know more about his surroundings and himself.- Explore the environment looking for new experiences.

Not very curious

what can we do?

- Start class with something provocative.- Talk about something everyday that connects with them.- Create an optimal environment for dialogue (do not judge comments, etc.).- Give enough time to solve problems.- Encourage them to find problems to solve (not just want them to look for solutions).- Introduce contradiction, novelty, surprise, complexity... in the appropriate way.



Curiosity turn on the focus


necessary to be aware of something

- Is like a focus, out is dark.- To start the focus we need curiosity.-Quarter of a second minimum to learn something.- There are 5 types of atention.

- Here and now without judging.- Something ancient that now uses mindfulness.- Helps manage emotions (stress and anxiety) - Generates compassion and empathy.

- Creative, when you are looking for results, and appear later.

- Changing the focus all the time but constant.- Ex: looking for someone in a station.

-Mix of two before.- You follow something, you can stop without losing the focused.- Ex: study.

- Very focus on something, alert.- Ex: agressive dog.











Types of atention

each one with different cerebral process

- Be aware.- Not very focused on anything but constant.

- Knowing "cerebral times" we can fix "atention time".- Could exist different "attentional time" deppending on the materia.- So depends of many things: age, topic, teacher...- Better 50 courses of 10 minutes than 10 courses of 50 minutes.

Attentional time

depending on mnay things


completly focused
Share your personal neuroeducation!
Finishing the first day....