Movimientos Terrestres y Consecuencias
SebastiAn Aldaz Moreno
Created on September 11, 2024
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Vertical infographics
Vertical infographics
Vertical infographics
Vertical infographics
#Sebastián aldaz
Órbita no regular.
Dura alrededor de 365 días.
Altera la incidencia de los rayos solares.
Movimiento de órbita de la tierra alrededor del Sol.
Giro de la tierra sobre su propio eje.
1 hora es igual a 15°.
360° de Oeste a ESte en 24 horas.
You'll capture the attention of your audience and the information will be etched into their brain.
Although you shouldn't abuse bulletpoints, icons and schemes can be great allies when telling stories.
Synthesis and organization, the two pillars for presenting
write an awesome title
Write a great awesome
Write a great awesome
Write a great title awesome
You can use the photograph, gif, or illustration of your choice to enhance the multimedia content.
write a great title
Use timelines to tell stories.
Represent data with graphics.
It 'matches' your audience...
Improve communication on any topic.
Structure your content
It is clear and structured to convey information in an orderly and hierarchical manner, and to succeed in conveying the content that excites the brain. For this, animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars.Tags, windows, links, audio... With Genially you can include any type of interactivity to add additional content and give it an animation to capture the attention of your audience.
A great presentation...
Did you know that...At Genially you will find more than 1,000 ready-to-use templates for you to input your content and customize them, which will help you tell your stories.
When carrying out a presentation, you should pursue two objectives: conveying information and avoiding yawns. To achieve this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words that sear into the minds of your audience.
I am a cool title, perfect for providing more context on the topic you are going to address
Watch out! At Genially we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all of our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.
If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you practice your voice and rehearse: the best improvisation is always the most polished!
Animation adds value to our content by helping us capture attention, prioritize ideas, and make our audience remember the content.
Animate your content and take itto the next level
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and give it exposure anywhere.
You can use the photo, gif, or illustration you want to enhance the multimedia content
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and share it anywhere.
You can use the photograph, gif, or illustration of your choice to spice up the multimedia content
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and share it anywhere.
You can use the photo, gif, or illustration you want to enhance multimedia content
Tip:Interactivity is the key element to capture the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.
- Plan your communication structure.
- Prioritize and give visual weight to the main elements.
- Define secondary messages with interactivity.
- Establish a flow throughout the content.
- Measure the results.
Interactive visual step-by-step communication:
- Determinación de puntos cardinales.
Debido al giro de la tierra, esto genera, además, las divisiones de latitud y longitud.
- Husos Horarios
Por la luz solar cambiante en la tierra, esto provoca que existan diferentes zonas horarias.
- Vida
Gracias a este giro, es posible que la vida se desarrolle, al no calcinarse una zona y helarse la otra.
- Día y Noche
Creo que no tengo que explicar esto.
- Estaciones
Gracias a que la órbita de la Tierra es irregular, causa diferencias en el clima dependiendo del la cercanía e inclinación a la que se encuentra del sol.Afelio: momento más alejado.Perihelio: momento más cercano
- Duración de la Luz
La duración entre día y noche no siempre es la misma.Durante un solsticio, la proporción entre luz y obscuridad es muy desigual; durante un equinoccio, esta es exactamente la misma.
- Climas
Como consecuencia de la órbita irregular mencionada antes, se han dado zonas con climas diferentes; esto provoca una gran biodiversidad de climas.