Cours SVT
Yasmine Imaghri
Created on September 10, 2024
More creations to inspire you
Evaluation chapitre n°1
Revisions SVT
Let's go!
mémo carte N°1 :
N°1: Le régime zoophage consiste à consommer de la matière organique d'origine animale -Le régime phytophage consiste à consommer de la matière organique d'origine végétale
N°2: Leurs dents sont adaptées à la manière dont-il préléve la nourriture et leur digestif est différent selon le régime alimentaire-Les végétaux étant plus difficiles à digérer, les appareils des phytophages sont plus complexes et plus longs au lieu des zoophages.
N°3: La digestion et la transformation des aliments en nutriments et en excréments
N°4: L'appareil digestif est composé de tube digestif et de glandes salivaires digestives annexes.
N°5: Le tube digestif est composé de plusieurs parties: Bouche, glandes salivaires, oesophage, estomac, vésicule bilaire, foie, pancréas, intestin grêle, gros intestin, anus.
N°6: Les aliments sont réduits en bouillie par digestion mécanique et sont transformés aussi, par digestion chimique, en petites molécules appelées " nutriments" qui peuvent être absorbés et passer dans le sang.
N°7: La digestion mécanique se fait en 3 étapes: -les aliments sont mastiqués par les dents et en même temps humidifiés et compactés par le salive dans la bouche pour une bouillie appellé "bol alimentaire.- ensuite, le bol alimentaire est brassé dans l'estomac. -puis, il est compacté et segmenté dans les intestins.
N°8: L' absorption s'effectue au niveau de l'intestin grêle on parle alors d'absorption intestinale.
N°9: A l'intérieur des cellules de notre corps, les nutriments et le dioxygène (O2) apportés par le sang son t transformés en énergie grâce à des réactions chimiques qui libérent de l'eau (H2O) et du dioxygéne de carbonne (CO2)on parle de respiration cellulaire.
N°10: Les nutriments proviennent de la transformation des aliments par l'appareil digestif lors de la digestion.
N°11: Le dioxygéne provient de l'air environnant qui est entré dans le corps par l'appareil ventillatoire lors de l'inspiration.
Mémo carte n°2
N°12: Les nutriments et le dioxygéne sont acheminés vers toutes les cellules de l'organisme grâce à la circulation sanguine pour permettre la respiration cellulaire.
N°13: Le CO2 est éliminé par l'appareil ventillatoire lors de l'expiration et les autres déchet, comme l'urée, sont éliminés par l'appareil excréteur (ex:reins) qui filtre le sang.
mémo carte N°2 :
N°1: La ventillation correspond aux échanges d'air entre les gaz respiratoires (O2 et CO2) et l'organisme et l'environnment.
N°2: L'air circule dans les deux sens: l'air entre dans le corps puis va jusqu'au poumons lors de l'inspiration et inversement lors de l'expiration.
N°3: L'air traverses les voies respiratoires: le nez ou la bouche sans oublier la trachée ensuite les poumons puis les bronches et les bronchioles et pour enfin arriver aux alvéoles.
N°4: Les gaz respiratoires traversent la paroi de nombreuses alvéoles pulmonaires pour rejoindre les capillaires des poumons. La paroi alvéolaire constitue une surface d'échanges.
N°5: Une surface d'échanges est fine, trés vasculaire et étendue pour permettre un maximum d'échanges.
N°6: L'appareil circulatoire est un circuit fermé, composé du coeur et des vaisseaux qui trasportent le sang.
N°7: Les 3 types de vaisseaux sanguins sont: -les artères qui transportent le sang du coeur vers les organes:-les capillaires qui sont des vaisseaux trés fins parcourant les organes:-les veines qui transportent le sang des organes vers le coeur.
N°8: Le sang circule en un seul sens: il pat du coeur pour rejiondre les organes puis revient jusqu'au coeur.
N°9: Dans le corps humain, le sang est mis en mouvement par les contractions du coeur. On dit que le coeur est le moteur de la circulation sanguine.
N°10: Lorsque le coeur se contracte, le sang qu'il contient est propulsé dans les artères pour rejoindre les organes. Lorsque le coeur se relâche, le sang contenu dans les veines et provenant des organes, entre dans le coeur.
Demonstrating enthusiasm, flashing a smile, and maintaining eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when it comes to telling stories that excite and pique the interest of the audience: 'The eyes, kid. They never lie'. This will help you make a 'match' with your audience. Leave them speechless!
Module 1. Summary
+ info
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight, and we retain 42% more information whenthe content moves.
Usean image
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we retain 42% more information when the content is in motion.What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content turn into something fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and engages.When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns. For this, it can be a good practice to create an outline and use words that are etched into your audience's brain.
With Genially's templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience amazed. You can also highlight a specific phrase or fact that will be etched into your audience's memory, and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Here you can provide context to the problem
It is orderly, hierarchical, and structured.
Make your audience remember the message.
Measure results and experiment.
Has a WOW effect. Very WOW.
Activate and surprise your audience.
Create experiences with your content.
Write a title
Your content is liked, but it engages much more if it is interactive-Genially
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns. For this, it can be a good practice to create a scheme and use words that are etched into the brain of your audience.
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight and, moreover, we retain 42% more information when the content is in motion.
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or data that is etched into the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Demonstrate enthusiasm, draw a smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when it comes to telling stories that excite and pique the interest of the audience: 'The eyes, kid. They never lie'. This will help you 'match' with your audience. Leave them open-mouthed!
Module 2. Summary
We remember 10% of what we hear and 20% of what we read. Create interactive content!
Our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli.
50% of purchases are emotional. The passion evoked by storytelling is our ally in influencing the audience's purchasing decisions.
80% of the information we assimilate comes through sight. Tell stories with graphics!
Write a great headline
Multimedia contentis essential in a presentation, to leave everyone amazed. Additionally, you will synthesize the content and keep your audience entertained.
Insert a video
When you give a boring presentation, you only hear the snores of your audience and there's so much text that there's no room for an image.
When you give a WOW presentation, you turn interactivity and animation into allies and only hear applause.
A presentation is NOT WOW when it's boring and you see drowsiness taking over your audience because no one has understood anything.
Your content captivates if it's interactive
Write a great headline
Your content is liked, but it engages much more if it is interactive'-Genially
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns. For this, it can be a good practice to create a scheme and use words that are etched into the brain of your audience.
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight and, in addition, we retain 42% more information when the content is in motion.
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data that is etched into the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Demonstrate enthusiasm, sketch a smile, and maintain eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when it comes to telling stories that excite and arouse the interest of the audience: 'The eyes, chico. They never lie'. This will help you make a 'match' with your audience. Leave them open-mouthed!
Module 3. Summary
+ info
And use this space to describe it. You can upload an image from your computer or use the resources available in Genially, on the left side of the tool. Leave everyone amazed!
Use an image
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience amazed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or data that remains firmly in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!What you read: interactivity and animation can make the most boring content become something fun. At Genially, we use AI (Awesome Interactivity) in all our designs, so you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that adds value and hooks.
It's easy
Through tags, images, and graphics
From there techniques like Visual Thinking
It is easier to 'read' images than to read written text
Visual communication is key
Write a great headline
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or fact that will be etched in your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!Showing enthusiasm, drawing a smile, and maintaining eye contact with your audience can be your best allies when telling stories that excite and pique the audience's interest: 'The eyes, chico. They never lie'. This will help you 'match' with your audience. Leave them speechless!Pose a dramatic question; it is the essential ingredient to maintain the audience's attention. It is usually posed subtly at the beginning of the story to intrigue the audience and is resolved at the end.
Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and give it exposure anywhere.
Animate your content and take it to thenext level
Your content is liked, but it engages much more if it's interactive-Genially
When carrying out a presentation, two objectives must be pursued: conveying information and avoiding yawns. For this, it can be a good practice to create a schema and use words that are engraved in the minds of your audience.
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight and, in addition, we retain 42% more information when the content is in motion.
With Genially's templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also highlight a specific phrase or data that is etched in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Make the boring content in your presentation fun
Activity 2
Describe the problem you are going to solve and, above all, the reason why your idea is interesting
Activity 1
Record video
Genially Functions
Genially Categories
Click on the correct concepts
We tell thousands and thousands of stories. ⅔ of our conversations are stories.
We are capable of understanding images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.
you have 10 seconds to click
Click on the people in the photo
Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we retain 42% more information when the content moves.
Month, 20XX
Signature 2
Signature 1
Use this space toput a great phrase
Here you can put a highlighted title
Here you can include a message to congratulate and wish luck to your audience at the end of the quiz.
Certificateof achievement
1/5Clarity and relevance of content
2/5Course Objectives
3/5Materials and Resources
4/5Activities and Practices
5/5General Feedback
Course completed!
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and interacts with it.
Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.