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Amy Eisenhauer




Our MissionTo deliver a personalized learning experience that engages the entire family and prepares learners to succeed in school and in life. Our Vision Transforming today's learners into tomorrow's leaders, one leader at a time

Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statment

Banner Question

CCA MIssion and Vision

Teaching is not only about learning but facilitating and cultivating a community in which all learners feel safe, seen and heard. I believe in creating an authentic learning experience by using creative assessment practices that focus on the specific needs of my students and by building a community within my classroom.

Personal Belief Statement

CCA Portfolio

Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statement

Banner Question

How can I provide individualized instruction to meet the educational needs of each student in my classroom while assisting my students in expressing themselves and accepting who they are, embracing the differences of others, and recognizing that all children are unique and have something special to bring to their own education?

Banner Question

CCA Portfolio

Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statement

Banner Question

Domain 1

Planning and Preparation

CCa Portfolio

Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

Setting Instructional Outcomes

Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

Designing Coherent Instruction

Designing Student Assessment







Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statement

Banner Question

1. Guiding Questions - Incorporated within my daily lessons are thoughtfully crafted guiding questions

  • Nearpod Link
2. Live Lessons - In each live lesson, I introduce students to lifelong physical activities by actively demonstrating them while they participate. At the end of class, I encourage students to reflect on an aspect of the workout they enjoyed and one they found less enjoyable The activities are as follows:
  • Zumba
  • Mindfulness
  • Tia Chi
  • Pilates
  • Tabata
  • Barre
  • Yoga
  • Boxing
3. Variants - I offer various adaptations to meet my students’ needs, showcasing my extensive knowledge of the discipline and my ability to cater to diverse learners.
4. Stimulating Question - In my lessons, I incorporate thought-provoking questions at the outset to engage my students and stimulate their thinking.
5. Knowledge Checks - At the commencement of each unit, diagnostic assessments are administered to ascertain the students’ proficiency levels.
  • Knowledge Check Link

1. Beginning of the Year Survey - At the onset of the quarter, students undertake a comprehensive survey designed to collect essential information regarding their backgrounds, cultures, skill sets, language proficiency, interests, and specific needs.

  • Variant - L7337356
2. End of the Year Survey - At the conclusion of the quarter, students engage in a survey to provide insights into their preferences, aversions, and suggestions for improvement.
  • Variant - L7337131
3. IEPs - I maintain a document detailing each student’s accommodations and the appropriate variants for them. This enables me to prepare tailored lessons and proactively remove barriers, ensuring all students can succeed.
4. I meticulously document detailed notes on my homeroom and HPE students in my TabHub.
  • Tab Hub Link
5. I developed a student reflection tool in Edio. At the end of each unit, I ask students to evaluate their grades, facilitating a mutual reflection on their learning progress and performance throughout the course.
  • Variant - L7337111
6. I hosted open office hours, providing students with the opportunity to seek assistance with any assignments or quizzes they needed help with.

1. Instructional Outcomes - Before class begins, I ensure my instructional outcomes are posted on Nearpod and align with the standards.

2. Instructional Outcomes - At the beginning of my class, I display the instructional outcomes on the classroom screen.
3. Entry Tickets - In Nearpod, students are prompted to complete an entry ticket in order to prepare for the upcoming content.
4. Exit Tickets - In Nearpod, students are prompted to complete an exit ticket that reflects on their learning.
5. Variants - I offer various adaptations to meet my students’ needs, showcasing my extensive knowledge of the discipline and my ability to cater to diverse learners.

1. Engagement: My Nearpod lessons integrate an array of interactive tools, such as quizzes, videos, matching activities, collaborative boards, drag-and-drop exercises, and open-ended questions. This multifaceted approach offers students diverse avenues to engage with the material and exhibit their participation

  • Nearpod Link
2. When preparing for a quiz, my students engage in a Blooket review game.
  • Blooket Game Link
3. Each month, I distribute a Genially Newsletter in both English and Spanish for my homeroom students and caretakers to review.
  • English Newsletter Link
  • Spanish Newsletter Link
4. I designed an Escape Room using Genially as an extra credit opportunity for all students.
  • Variant - A1777124
5. PLC - I actively engage in our Professional Learning Community (PLC) groups throughout the academic year.

1. I utilize Nearpod to implement a variety of student engagement strategies, including videos, collaborative boards, quizzes, drag-and-drop activities, matching exercises, and open-ended questions. This approach aligns with instructional outcomes, demonstrates in-depth content knowledge, and addresses the diverse needs of my students.

  • Nearpod Lesson Link
2. I developed a catch-up plan for each unit to support my struggling students. This plan condenses the material into the most essential information, allowing students to focus on key concepts.
  • Catch-Up Lesson Variant - L7336427
3. At the commencement of each unit, I provide my students with the opportunity to select their preferred assessment method, whether it be a quiz or a project.
  • Assessment Choice Variant - L7336808
4. For projects, I utilize choice boards to provide my students with options on topics and methods to demonstrate their understanding of the material.
5. In the Nearpod lessons, I use questions and learning strategies that represent higher-order thinking.
  • Nearpod Link

1. In my Nearpod lessons, I employ various formative assessments, including collaboration boards, quizzes, matching activities, drag-and-drop exercises, and open-ended questions.

  • Nearpod Lesson Link
2. For projects, I utilize choice boards to offer my students options on topics and methods to demonstrate their understanding of the material.
3. For the projects, I customized the Edio rubrics to better align with my student’s needs and the lesson objectives.
  • Edio Rubric
4. Quizzes or Choice Board - I created a quiz as an alternative to the projects, allowing students to choose between a choice board or a quiz for each of their assessments.
  • Variant - A1520669
5. Variants - I offer various adaptations to meet my students’ needs when being assessed, showcasing my ability to cater to diverse learners.

Domain 2

Class Environment

CCa Portfolio

Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

Establighing a Culture for Learning

Managing Classroom Procedures

Managing Student Behavior

Organizing Virtual Space






Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statement

Banner Question

1. Getting Started Lesson - At the start of the quarter, I introduce myself and the class. We use Nearpod to get to know each other and collaboratively establish our classroom rules and norms:

  • Nearpod Lesson - https://nearpod.com/library/preview/lesson- L140576508
2. Getting to Know You Survey - All learners are asked to complete a survey that helps me get to know them better.
  • Variant - L518134
3. Classroom Screen - At the beginning of each lesson, I display a classroom screen with our rules and norms. 4. Meaningful Feedback - Throughout the class, I provide students with timely and meaningful feedback
5. Respectful Conversation between students and teacher about distracting others in the chat.

1. I offer various options to meet the diverse needs of my students.

2. Students are informed upfront that they have the opportunity to reset any lesson or assessment to demonstrate a growth mindset. When a student fails an assignment, I always send a chat message encouraging them to retake it.
3. Choice Boards - I created choice boards for my students instead of traditional projects. This allows them to choose a topic or project that interests them.
  • Variant - A1384678
4. Quizzes or Choice Board - I replaced traditional projects with quizzes. Students can choose their assessment method for each unit, either through a choice board or a quiz.
  • Variant - A1520669
5. Constructive Feedback - I use the "feedback sandwich" when providing students with feedback.

1. In the first lesson of the quarter, I have students establish our classroom rules and norms.

  • Nearpod Link
2. I display the classroom rules and norms that the students created on our classroom screen. This way, they see the expectations every day.
3. Timer Tool - 4. Exit Tickets - A student came on the mic. and shared their answer out loud.
  • Nearpod Recording: 34:16

1. During the first class, I have students create their classroom rules and norms using a collaboration board in Nearpod.

2. I address any inappropriate behavior through private conversations with students.
3. Chat Conversation on Topic - 4. Appropriate Online Behavior - 5. After each quiz or project, I use a reflection activity to help students evaluate their current grades. This also provides me with insights into why a student may be struggling and how I can support them.
  • Variant - L5195850

1. Nearpod - I use Nearpod to organize daily lessons, ensuring students understand the routine and expectations of our class. 2. I upload all my guided notes, study guides, vocabulary lists, Nearpods, and Blooket games to OneNote for my students to access.

  • OneNote Link
3. In every class, we display a classroom screen that outlines the objectives, a to-do list, the class rules and norms, and a “Would You Rather” question.

Domain 3


CCa Portfolio

Communicating with Students

Using Questions and Discussion Techniques

Engaging Students in Learning

Using Assessment in Instruction

Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsivness






Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statement

Banner Question

1. Personal Chat - I communicate with students through phone, email, and chat. I offer to work 1-on-1 with them.

2. Each month, I send out a Genailly Newsletter in English and Spanish, for my homeroom students to view.
  • English Newsletter Link
  • Spanish Newsletter Link
3. At the beginning of class I give my students time to talk about their lives with me and one another. This has really fostered a sense of welcomeness and openness in my class. 4. I took the rubric that was in Edio and changed it to better suit the needs of my students.
5. Catch-Up Plan: at the end of unit 2 and unit 4, I provide struggling students with a catch-up plan. I send out an email to the students and parents informing them about this plan.

1. I use Nearpod to build my lessons. This gives me the opportunity to use different types of questioning techniques with my students. I use matching, drag and drop, open-ended, labeling, polls, and multiple choice.

  • Nearpod Link
2. During my lessons, I implemented a review question, entry ticket, and exit ticket during each lesson.
  • Nearpod Link
3. At the start of every lesson I was a collaboration board to get students thinking about the lesson. They are able to add as many answers as they want and are able to build upon other students' responses.

1. A student came to me about a topic we went over in class. He said he was very interested in this topic. I gave him an alternative assignment for the project so he could explore the topic more in-depth and make a person connect with the content. 12. For my lessons I found that Nearpod helps me with engaging my students.

  • Nearpod Link
3. Every Friday I spin the wheel of names. If students participate in the lessons throughout the week, I add their names to the wheel of names and we spin for extra bonus points.
  • Wheel of Names
4. During our live lessons, I encourage the students to put their cameras on and work out with me. I put Zoom on focus mode and give the students who put their cameras on extra bonus points.

1. I use Nearpod for my guided instruction. By using review questions, entry tickets, and exit tickets, I can informally assess my student's learning.

  • Nearpod Link

1. A student came to me about a topic we went over in class. He said he was very interested in this topic. I gave him an alternative assignment for the project so he could explore the topic more in-depth and make a person connect with the content. 2. I worked with multiple students during non-instructional time, in order to help these students get caught up and master the content. 3. I have created and implemented catch-up plans (for each unit) for students who are struggling/falling behind.

  • Catch-Up Plan Example - L5183011
4. I use multiple digital tools and strategies to ensure all students are engaged and learning in and out of my classroom.
  • Nearpod
  • Classroom screen
  • Powerpoint
  • Genially
  • OneNote
5. Quizzes or Choice Board - I created a quiz in place of the projects. Students can choose how they are assessed with a choice board or quiz.
  • Variant - A1520669

Domain 4

Professional Responsilities

CCa Portfolio

Reflecting on Teaching

Maintaining Accurate Records

Communicating with Families

Participating in the Professional Community

Growing and Developing Professionally

Showing professionalism







Domain 1

Domain 3

Domain 4

Domain 2

Personal Belief Statement

Banner Question

1. PLC: During my PLC meetings we discuss and reflect on our teaching.

  • PLC Notebook
2. At the end of the marking period, my students do a survey. This gives me a chance to reflect on my teaching to better suit the needs of my students, based on their feedback.
  • Survey Variant - L5183129
3. I have implemented an "End of Quarter- Assessment" variant at the end of the quarter. Students who are failing will get a chance to gain back some points by taking a Microsoft "quiz". However many questions they answer correctly, these points will be added to their grade.
  • End of Quarter - Assessment Variant

1. Edio Log 2. Prescription Tab 3. SDI Tab 4. Homeroom Tab 5. Content Tab

1. Each month, I send out a Genailly Newsletter in English and Spanish, for my homeroom students to view.

  • English Newsletter Link
  • Spanish Newsletter Link
2. Email Thread 3. Edio Chat 4. Edio Log - For my homeroom students, I set up after-hour meetings to make sure everything was ok with the students and family.
5. I have attended IEP meetings of students who are struggling in my HPE class.

1. Participating in monthly PLC and Department meetings, has provided me with the opportunity to collaborate with my colleagues. These notes show my role as the facilitator.

  • PLC Notebook
2. I have attended 3 field trips which are as follows:
  • CSI Forensic Exploration - Dec 4
  • Creation Crates - January 13
  • Happy Pi Day - March 14
3. Great Start Orientation
  • Tuesday, October 1
4. Protor PSSA 5. Graduation

1. I have attended the following PD/Optional EdTech sessions:

  • Nearpod Premimun Training
  • EL Variants
  • Gamification
2. Comet Hours - this has provided me with the opportunity to grow and develop professionally.
  • Comet Hour Tracking Sheet
3. Act 80 Day - Professional Development
4. Vector Training

1. I utilize my Outlook calendar to help keep me organized with my meetings, and other tasks that I need to complete. The task includes the following: 2. I attend IEP meetings of students who are struggling in my HPE classes. 3. I use multiple variants for my students throughout the course.