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Danielson Framework

Belief Statement

Domain 3


Domain 2

Classroom Environment

Domain 1

Planning and Preparation

Domain 4

Professional Responsbilities

Banner Question

1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy1b: Demonstating Knowledge of Students1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources1e: Designing Coherent Instruction1f: Designing Student Assessments

Planning and Preparation


3a: Communicating with Families3b: Using Questions and Discussion Techniques3c: Engaging Students in Learning3d: Using Assessment in Instruction3e: Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness

I believe that students excel when they engage in hands-on, interactive lessons that empower them to guide their own learning. By creating an environment where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth, creativity is encouraged, and collaboration is valued, students become confident, inquisitive thinkers. Fostering curiosity and wonder about the world around them, and encouraging them to ask questions, are central to their development and success.

Belief Statement

Professional Responsibilities

4a: Reflecting on Teaching4b: Maintaining Accurate Records4c: Communicating with Families4d: Participating in the Professional Community4e: Growing and Developing Professionally4f: Showing Professionalism


Classroom Environment

2a: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning2c: Managing Classroom Procedures2d: Managing Student Behavior2e: Organizing Virtual Space

How can we tailor our science instruction to engage and support every learner's unique needs and interests?OR How can we explore the wonders of the natural world together and uncover the science behind everyday phenomena?

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