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Knowles Principles of Andragogy

Understanding Adult Learning Theories


Need To knowThe why...the adult learner should understand the why to what they are learning

An instructional coach must present the objectives and goals to pass on the why and the significance of the learning before the learning begins.

Self-ConceptThe work...Adults learners can and may seek to work independently, collaboratively, and self directed.

An instructional coach should provide the right tools and guidance so that the self directed learning and collaboration can happen.

Adult Learner ExperienceThe experience...in the moment of learning, adults will pull from their own life experiences.

An instructional coach would guide the learners to to know and understand their needs.

Readiness to LearnThe application...adult learners gravitate toward the want to apply their learning sooner than later to real life tasks or problems.

An instructional coach provides visuals and real life application examples to show the relationship behind the learning and their daily classroom.

Orientation to Learning Problem/solution...adults lean towards learning that can solve a singular problem in their daily or work life.

An instructional coach must focus on the practical, actual situations, and application

Coaching strategy

Present the adult learners with scenarios of practical and real classrooms for the participants to work through and reflect upon.

Motivation to LearnThe want...the want to learn is internal in adults

An instructional coach should plan strategies to motivate adults intrinsically, recognize the growth, and build self confidence in the classroom.

Coaching strategy

Preview and frontload for the adult learners to understand what they will be learning and the relevant and useful skills they will gain as to, motivate and excite for the learning.

Coaching strategy

Entrance survey to be completed by the participants sharing what they expect and want to learn.

Coaching strategy

Create norms collaboratively for the learning sessions and provide a rubric in advance for self navigation of the participants or teacher.

Coaching strategy

Quick write during or after a professional development reflecting on personal experience and the new learning, combined with new goals and implementation.

Coaching strategy

Throughout the presentation of the learning provide visuals and times to share real-life application.

Andragogy vs. Pedagogy

Andragogical Strategies to engage adult learners

The practice of teaching adults. Adults tend to be self motivated and can rely on past experiences to solve problems and strengthen their thinking.



The development of habits and learning through experiences. Teachers may use one of the 4 forms of pedagogy in their classroom and lessons, behaviorism, constructivism, social constructivism, and liberationism.

Example: students tend to be motivated by visual and physical rewards, where an adult can be motivated by knowing the outcomes and benefits of the learning.

Example: a teacher may teach young students using direct instruction where the students depend on the teacher for the information. However, learning can also be student centered where the student is an active part of the learning and the teacher is the guide.

  • Pre-assess the adult learners for specific need and interests (motivation)
  • Develop real-life problems for the adult learner to practice implementation of the new skills or ideas learned.

Cummings and Livingston, (2023)

  • Cheliotes,L.M., & Reilly, M.f. (2018). Coaching conversations (2nd ed). Sage Publications.
  • Cummings-Clay, D and Livingston, M. (2023). Advancing adult learning using andragogic instructional practices. Open Journals of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1386100.pdf
  • Western Governors University. (2022) Andragogy vs. Pedagogy: key differences in learning .
wgu.edu/blog/andragogy-pedagogy-key-differences- learning2205.html
