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  • Angela Calimazzo-Perkins - aperkins@zolmanrestoration.com
  • Zach Neistein - zneistein@brodersachse.com
  • John Kennedy - jkennedy@morreys.net
  • Gigi Nassir - gnassir@sachse.net
  • Rob Moelich - rmoelich@sachse.net
  • Jennifer Lafeber - jlafeber@sachse.net
  • Brandi Lebeck - blebeck@sachse.net

Who can help?

  • Candice Susak - csusak@sachse.net
  • Mark Andonian - mandonian@sachse.net
  • Bill Buscaglia Jr. - bbuscaglia@sachse.net
  • Brandi Lebeck - blebeck@sachse.net
  • Jay McKee - jmckee@sachse.net
  • David Harman - dharman@sachse.net
  • Danielle Gregerson - dgregerson@sachse.net
  • Beth Mikon - bmikon@sachse.net
  • Vincent Tafelski - vtafelski@morreys.net
  • Austin Cooke - acooke@brodersachse.com
  • Jesse Flores - jflores@morreys.net
  • Gigi Nassir - gnassir@sachse.net

What are Basic Excel Skills?

Who can help?

1. Cell Navigation and Data Entry 2. Basic Formulas and Functions 3. Formatting Cells 4. Basic Chart Creation 5. Sorting and Filtering 6. Basic Data Validation 7. Simple Cell Referencing

  • Mike Darcy - mdarcy@sachse.net
  • Mark Andonian - mandonian@sachse.net

What are Expert Microsoft Project Skills?

Who can help?

1. Advanced Scheduling Techniques 2. Customizing and Automating with VBA 3. Advanced Resource Management 4. Complex Reporting and Analysis 5. Project Integration and Data Exchange 6. Portfolio Management and Strategic Planning 7. Advanced Baseline Management 8. Custom Fields and Formulas 9. Scenario Analysis and What-If Modeling 10. Risk Management and Mitigation

  • Brandi Lebeck - blebeck@sachse.net

Who can help?

  • Belinda Trapp - btrapp@brodersachse.com
  • Jeanine Muller - jmuller@zolmanrestoration.com

Who can help?

  • Jenn Lafeber - jlafeber@sachse.net
  • Jeanine Muller - jmuller@zolmanrestoration.com
  • Angela Calimazzo-Perkins - aperkins@zolmanrestoration.com

Who can help?

  • Mark Andonian - mandonian@sachse.net
  • Kathy Sulik - ksulik@sachse.net
  • Douglas Hunter - dhunter@sachse.net
  • Jenn Lafeber - jlafeber@sachse.net
  • Rob Moelich - rmoelich@sachse.net

What are Intermediate Microsoft Project Skills?

Who can help?

1. Task Dependencies and Constraints 2. Advanced Task and Resource Management 3. Project Tracking and Updates 4. Customizing Views and Reports 5. Earned Value Management (EVM) 6. Using Multiple Projects 7. Resource Pool Management

No one yet. Are you a superuser? Let us know here!

What are expert Excel Skills?

Who can help?

1. Advanced Formulas and Functions 2. Power Query and Data Transformation3. Anything not previously listed

  • Xavier Cornelius - xcornelius@sachse.net
  • Mark Andonian - mandonian@sachse.net
  • Kathy Sulik - ksulik@sachse.net
  • Samer Algharib - salgharib@sachse.net
  • Jenn Lafeber - jlafeber@sachse.net
  • Ron Henry - rhenry@sachse.net
  • Rob Moelich - rmoelich@sachse.net
  • Jay McKee - jmckee@sachse.net
  • Austin Cooke - acooke@brodersachse.com
  • Zach Neistein - zneistein@brodersachse.com
  • Angela Calimazzo-Perkins - aperkins@zolmanrestoration.com

What are Intermediate Excel Skills?

Who can help?

1. Advanced Formulas and Functions 2. Conditional Formatting 3. Data Management 4. Charts and Data Visualization 5. PivotTables 6. Basic Macros and Automation 7. Advanced Sorting and Filtering 8. Text Manipulation

  • Brandi Lebeck - blebeck@sachse.net
  • Gigi Nassir - gnassir@sachse.net
  • Jeanine Muller - jmuller@zolmanrestoration.com
  • Angela Calimazzo-Perkins - aperkins@zolmanrestoration.com

Who can help?

  • Mark Andonian - mandonian@sachse.net
  • Samer Algharib - salgharib@sachse.net
  • Douglas Hunter - dhunter@sachse.net
  • Jay McKee - jmckee@sachse.net
  • Angela Calimazzo-Perkins - aperkins@zolmanrestoration.com

What are Basic Microsoft Project Skills?

Who can help?

1. Creating and Managing Projects 2. Task Management 3. Basic Project Views 4. Milestones and Deliverables 5. Resource Management 6. Basic Scheduling 7. Printing and Reporting

  • Angela Calimazzo-Perkins - aperkins@zolmanrestoration.com
  • Gigi Nassir - gnassir@sachse.net
  • Rob Moelich - rmoelich@sachse.net
  • Beth Mikon- bmikon@sachse.net
  • Brandi Lebeck - blebeck@sachse.net

Who can help?

  • Vincent Tafelski - vtafelski@morreys.net
  • Austin Cooke - acooke@brodersachse.com
  • Zach Neistein - zneistein@brodersachse.com
  • Beth Mikon - bmikon@sachse.net
  • Jay McKee - jmckee@sachse.net
  • Brandi Lebeck - blebeck@sachse.net

Who can help?