Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Lizzie J

Maslow's Hirarchy

The only thing this moss covered shelter is used for is sleeping and protection from elements, while you may spend the day hunting/gathering food and water.
Living in a small shack like this probaly only has a bed and shelter, making it simple to focus on physiclal needs
Sleeping/living in your car allows for the lowest means of shelter you can probily afford while focusing on food and water
Sleeping/living in your car allows for the lowest means of shelter you can probily afford while focusing on food and water
Physiological- Homes that fall under this catergory are what you might call the bare necessities. Your needs of food and water are being or barley being met.
The houses we see here are very simple, or only meeting needs of shelter or what you would classify as shelter. From moss covered laying slabs or living from your car, The "Home" tyoically are only used for sleeping


This house can be considerd a cabin, but is a obviously secure and sturdy source of shelter
This house is smaller (one bedroom, kitchen probaly two rooms) and has locks on windows and door.
This house is a simpler design with a security system out front to ward off potential trepassers. Alarms, ring doorbells etc.
These homes are the second level and are simpler houses (one bedroom/limited space) after you have secure employment, property and is a strong asset for protection against outside dangers/elements.


This house may be somthing you see in tract housing or a single-family housing system. Two stories, garage, 2-3 bedrooms
This house is also two stories, garage, and is pretty spacd out in terms of property/acres.
This house is two stories, and has a garage for a family car, as well as a driveway. Made for more than a singular person.
These houses are deigned to house familys and have a living room for others to gather. Still pretty simple in terms of housing, these can be described as two story two bedroom houses.


This house stretchs over a length of land, has many rooms and probaly areas for gaming, eating, extra rooms(guest)
This house has three stories and is just nicer in design. With a unique appearenc this house could be a custom design.
This house is two stories but has an additional attachment to the side and is bigger in size(surface area)

These houses ar usally 3-4 stories and where they lack height they make up for in length. In good neighborhoods or areas these homes are usually ownd by those with higher status


Another mansion, on its own land, pool and insecluded area.
Considered a mansion,, on its own pennisula, yachts, boats and half is pools
Nice cars, LED lining, a awaterfall pool...need there be more to say?
This is usually those of luxury, mass wealth. These homes may be home to a family or singular person. There is a lot of extra and can be used as a sign of status. (Pool, nice cars tc.) could be in nice, private neighborhood or priavtely owned land
