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business card


phone number and email address

Phone numbers are given one digit at a time. Therefore you will only use ten numbers.0 (zero) is pronounced as the letter O, when mentioning it as part of a phone number. You can use double if two numbers are the same (22), or even triple (222).

What's your phone number?

telephone n.

My phone number is 2211662706Her phone number is 2225840206His phone number is 8426519307

Email addresses can be spelled in case of not having complete words.Remember to make a distinction between capital letters and special characters. @ --------- at_ ----------- underscore. ------------ dot- ------------- dash

What's your email address?

email address

My email address is pue04.adominguez@normales.mxHer email address is sohlez.12@gmail.comHis email address is robert.smith@capitalg.com