Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


the sus student


2024 made by 'las ranas rabiosas'Aguirre feria david cuauhtemocortiz jimenez itzuri aimeeRamírez lozano Isai danielRobles rios luis gael

"Some of your classmates are acting sus lately, you decide to investigate on your own, all the clues lead to one student of your school.Your story begins in the house of the suspect..."


Explore the house


It's closed...

Too dark...

Inventario abierto...

When someone offers you drugs, you must...


I must accept them

I must decline

I must ask for the price

What should you do when you know that a friend takes drugs?

I should call the police


I should tell them to get help

I should tell them "saca"

What can or could you do when you see someone selling drugs?

Ignore them


Buy them drugs

Tell the authorities

From which one of these official authorities you should go to if you see a problem like this?

Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA)

Comisión Nacional contra las Adicciones (CONADIC)

Centro Nacional para la Prevención y Control de las Adicciones (CENADIC)



Search for the key to continue...

Continue your search through the house


Too dark...

Inventario abierto...

Someone is here!

What could happen if a person mixes different types of drugs?


They might feel healthier and stronger

They could have a dangerous or deadly reaction

Nothing will happen because drugs cancell each other

If a person becomes addicted to drugs, what might they do to continue using them?


They could lie or steal to get money for drugs.

To find healthy alternatives.

They will instantly recover without help.

If a person decides to seek help for drug addiction, what might happen?

They will definitely be judged by everyone.

They could receive support and improve their health.

Their life will become more difficult.


What could happen if schools do not educate students about drug prevention?

Drug use among teenagers could increase.

Students might be more informed.

No one would care about the topic.


A briefcase appeared...

A briefcase appeared...


Buy the DLC to get the full experience!!!


You will lose all your progress until now...

Are You sure you wanna quit?





Oh no! You failed..

Ramírez Amaya, L., Hernández Moreno, M. V., & Moreno Fernández, X. L. (2024). PROGRAMA DE ESTUDIO PARA LA EDUCACIÓN SECUNDARIA: PROGRAMA SINTÉTICO DE LA FASE 6. Secretaría de Educación Pública. https://educacionbasica.sep.gob.mx/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Programa_Sintetico_Fase_6.pdf