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"Instructional technology coaches coach, train, model, and support teachers with the integration of digital standards in the classroom."

Coyner Instructional Technology coaching menu

Make an appointment with me!

Click on the plus signs to learn more about each option!

Click here to check out coaching cycle options for more structured collaboration and support!





Digital Standards

  • Co-Planning: Plan a lesson or series of lessons together. Sign up for a coaching cycle for a more structured approach!
  • Lesson Support: Assist with designing differentiated lessons, station rotation structures, breakouts (escape rooms), and/or choice boards.
  • Data Chat: Analyze student data to determine next steps.
  • Reflective Conversation: Let's talk before school, after school, during prep, lunch, you name the place, time and topic.


Provide personalized guidance and support to help teachers integrate digital standards effectively in their classrooms.

  • Demonstration Lesson: Model a lesson with your students with an emphasis on procedures, technology integration, and/or student engagement.
  • Co-Teaching: Collaboratively plan and teach a lesson together to help make you comfortable with a new strategy, tech tool, or routine.
  • Classroom Assistant: Serve as an extra pair of hands or eyes while you try out a new instructional technique/approach during a lesson.


Demonstrate effective teaching practices and technology integration through hands-on examples in the classroom setting.

Strategies for:

  • Student Engagement
  • Digital Classroom Management
  • Differentiation
  • Schoology Organization
  • Surveys
  • Formative Assessment
  • Summative Assessment
  • Data Analysis
  • Productivity

Offer structured learning experiences to enhance teachers' skills in using digital tools and implementing innovative teaching strategies.


Blended Learning Approaches:

  • Flipped Classroom
  • Whole-Group Rotation
  • Playlist Model
  • Station Rotation
  • Universal Design for Learning
  • Accessibility
  • Student Conferencing
  • Student Goal Setting

1:1 Tech Training: Work together to improve your skills in using various instructional technology platforms such as:

  • Edpuzzle
  • Google Drive
  • Schoology
  • Securly

  • Gather Resources: Assist in finding (or designing) resources and activities that meet the needs of your classroom and curriculum.
  • Brainstorm Buddy: Connect with me to discuss innovation in the classroom. I'm available during schools hours to help you via email (ccoyner@hcps.us) and often in person as well (my office is in Room 123)!
  • Tech Updates: Check out weekly ITC updates in the Coaches' Corner of the Bulldog Bulletin to learn about upcoming PL events and helpful resources.
  • Professional Cheerleader: Invite me to special events you're hosting (during school hours). I'll come cheer you on!

Provide ongoing assistance, resources, and encouragement to help teachers successfully implement digital standards in their teaching.


  • Creation projects:

  • Book Creation
  • Infographics
  • Presentations
  • Podcasting
  • Video Creation
  • Stop Motion Animation
  • Blogging
  • Websites