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How AI Could Save

AI is not bad, we just need to learn how to use it to our advantage.

(Not Destry) Education TED


AI as aTutor

Use artificially intelligent as a teaching assistant. That's how everyone could have a personal toutor




In 1982, 2 sigma study, from Benjamin Cloom's. That shows how we can learn, the middle line shows the school, the last line shows tutorial classes.

Serach the method

Use it propety

We need to pay attetention about what we are asking to AI. If we aski to AI as a one real teacher, like exaplain it to me the more easy way, AI can help us!

Use it! Khanmigo

As the TED with Sal Khan, explain, we can debated with AI to have more real disscusion. And also, can help us with the fedback.

In Khan Academy

Susana Mejia

If we pay attention about lenguages classes, if one kid has a tutorial classes, the kid probabily can learn more fast than lenguages classes in the school.