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Good Morning GW Community!Buenos Dia La Comunidad de GW!

La Promesa de Lealtad de Los estados Unidos

"Yo prometo lealtad la bandera de los estados unidos de America, y la Republica que representa una Nacion bajo Dios, entera, con libertad y justicia para todos."

The Pledge Of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance to the EarthI promise to be good to the earth and all life on this planet. All growing things, all kinds of animals, and all races of people. I promise to protect all life on our planet, to live in harmony with nature, and to share everything fairly, so that all people can live with one another in good health and in peace. La Promesa de lealtad a la Tierra Yo prometo ser bueno con la tierra y toda la vida en este planeta. Todas las cosas encrecimiento, todo tipo de animales, y todas las razas de gente. Yo prometo proteger toda la vida en nuestro planeta, para vivir en armonia con la naturaleza, y para compartir todo de manera justa, para que todas las personas puedan vivir unas con otras en buena salud y en paz.

B DayPELibrary Music

C DayPEArtLibrary

A DayPEArtLibrary

F DayPE LibraryMusic

E DayPEArtMusic

Friday October 11

Thursday October 10

Wednesday October 9

Tuesday October 8

MondayOctober 7

Letter DaySpecial AreaLunch/Breakfast

Friday, October 11thWear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness

GW Spirit Day

Monday, October 14th indigenous People day

No School

Amabilidad, Creatividad y La dedicacion al trabajo
Kindness, Creativity and Dedication to Work

GW MissionLa Mision de GW

GW PBIS Matrix

P-Practice Personal Space E-Exercising Good Manners A-Acting Responsibly and Respectfully C-Demonstrating Caring and Kindness E-Exceling in your work and Being your Best


Happy Birthday!

Joke of the Day La Broma del Dia

Make it a Great Day and Remember to be kind to one another!