1r BatxB
Created on September 9, 2024
More creations to inspire you
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Interesting websites and others
Extra information
EFL: Criteria and class books
Who am I
Welcome to English with Ana! 👩🏫
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+ info
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+ info
Usual oral presentations may also be needed!
Oral presentations
Learning stations or games
Exit tickets
You may be asked to record a video explaining something ...
Video creations
How are we going to work/learn?
Spontaneuous work
These tickets are simple but very useful. Your teacher will show you one & explain it to you
Learning stations or other games will be done during the course (hand in hand with your attitude)
Online dictionary
Video recorder
Useful websites
Espai web BATX
Voice recorder
Linguee (dict.)
Relax study
Web INS Arboç
Hello class!My name is Ana Maria Paulescu and I'll be your English teacher for the course year 2024-2025.I can't wait for it to start so we can all learn together. I hope you learn a lot but also have loads of fun, and I do hope I learn a lot from you too!My email adress is: ana.paulescu@inslarboc.cat
Ana Maria Paulescu
- S'implementaran cada dues setmanes/ 1 cop al mes
- Continguts ja apresos, per tal d'aprofundir, repassar o detectar qualsevol dubte/problema
- Grups cooperatius: 4 alumnes (creats per la professora, SORRY!)
- Cada persona tindrà un rol en el seu grup que s'haurà de complir.
- Normes essencials
- Assegurar l'èxit personal i grupal!
Les learning stations seran una metodologia més implementada a la nostra classe d'Anglès per tal de garantir l'aprenentatge, el treball en grup (cooperatiu); i la diversió trobada en el trencament d'una classe habitual.
Have you ever heard about learning stations?
Evaluation Criteria (Foreign Languages Department)
Evaluation criteria and books
IEDUCA and norms NOFC Mobile phones (...) Not working (without explaining why!) Coming late Talk and not let the class flow
L'avaluació és continua i es tindrà en compte tot el realitzat durant els trimestres i curs. PERCENTATGES20% Grammar i vocabulary 20% Reading 30% Writing 10% Speaking 20% Listening
Cada setmana s'intentarà fer un reading extra (in class or at home)També cada 10 dies/2 setmanes farem un listening que no sempre comptarà per a nota.El speaking es treballarà a través de treballs video, presentacions, gravacions, podcasts, etc. Compten per nota i la no presentació dels projectes serà un 0.
Other important info: