Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


martina brancato



With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be etched into your audience's memory and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios...Anything you want!

Make the most of your creation by revealing impactful and hidden information through interactivity Show.

+ info

Usean image

Need more reasons to create dynamic content? Well: 90% of the information we assimilate comes to us through sight, and we retain 42% more information when the content is in motion.

Use images

in your presentation

'Including quotes always reinforces our presentation.Breaks the monotony'

- Always quote the author

Structureyour content

Sections like this will help you organize your content

Here you can put a highlighted title

If you want to provide additional information or develop the content in more detail, you can do so through your oral presentation. We recommend that you train your voice and rehearse:The best improvisation is the most practiced!Visual content is a cross-cutting and universal language, like music. We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.