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In Insert, select video and include your link. Ready!

To include videos, look to your left

Telling stories with order and hierarchy is essential.

Make numbers come alive with graphics.

The icons are always good allies.

Hola a todos, mi nombre es Edson Michael Jimenez Damian, soy Ingeniero Mecánico, con una Maestría en Ciencias en Termofluidos y un doctorado en Ingeniería. Les extiendo las más cordial bienvenida a este curso de Métodos numéricos, en donde aplicaremos los métodos numéricos matemáticos más utilizados para modelar computacionalmente fenómenos físicos de las áreas de investigación, producción y control que son difíciles de resolver con los métodos matemáticos tradicionales, permitiendo un mejor desempeño en la profesión.


In Insert, select video and include your link. Ready!

To include videos, look to your left

Telling stories with order and hierarchy is essential.

Make numbers come alive with graphics.

The icons are always good allies.

You can use the photograph, gif, or illustration you want to give life to the multimedia content.

Include infographics in your creations

Contextualize your topic with a subtitle

EssentialInfographic Template

Unidad1Unidad 2

Here you can placea highlighted title

We better capture visual content. Visual content is associated with cognitive and psychological mechanisms. Things enter through the eyes, the first image is what matters. We associate visual content with emotions.

Here you can placea highlighted title