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El aprendizaje no es el mismo para todas las personas, es tan diverso como lo son ellas, por lo que tendrá resultados diferentes dependiendo también de las condiciones de las persona que aprende

La ciencia no descubre realidad ya hecha sino que construye, crea e inventa escenarios: de esta forma intenta dar sentido a lo que ocurre en el mundo, en la sociedad, en las personas

Provide context to your topic with a subtitle

EL origen del constructivismo se lo puede encontrar en las posturas de Vico y Kant planteadas en el siglo XVIII. Para Kant, únicamente es posible acceder al plano fenomenológico no a la esencia de las cosas en si

Provide context to your topic with a subtitle

El ser humano es activo constructor de su realidad, pero lo hace siempre en interacción con otros; posición que se complementará con los aportes de Piaget, Vygotski y Ausubel

En el constructivismo existe una interacción entre el docente y los estudiantes, un intercambio dialéctico entre los conocimientos del docente y los del estudiante, de tal forma que se pueda llegar a una síntesis productiva para ambos

Llevar a la práctica esta forma de pensamiento, es por medio del modelo de proyectos

Para el constructivismo no es importante un conocimiento nuevo en si, sino adquirir una nueva competencia

Nos dice que el conocimiento no es una copia de la realidad, sino es una construcción del ser humano

This is a paragraph ready to contain creativity, experiences, and awesome stories.

El constructivismo


It is orderly, hierarchical, and structured.

Get your audience to remember the message.

Engage and amaze your audience.

It has a WOW effect. Very WOW.

Measure results and experiment.

Generate experiences with your content.

Provide context to your topic with a subtitle

Write a awesome title

Provide context to your topic with a subtitle

Write a great title

Ready for your audience to view it on any device and distribute it anywhere.We don't like to bore. We don't want to be repetitive. Communicating as usual is boring and does not engage.

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads?

This is a paragraph ready to contain creativity, experiences, and awesome stories.









You can represent numbers in this way

This is how you will keep your audience engaged

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and promote it anywhere.

Write a great title

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and share it anywhere.

You can use the photograph, gif, or illustration you want to spice up the multimedia content



Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and spread it anywhere.

Write a great title

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, without the need for downloads? Ready for your audience to view it on any device and distribute it anywhere.

You can use the photograph, gif, or illustration of your choice to enhance the multimedia content

