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is a grammatical construction where the object of an action becomes the subject of a sentence. IN a passive sentence, the focus is on the action itself or the recipient of the action rather than on the one performing the action.

Passive voice

1-When the doer of the action is unknown, irrevelant, or obvious:-The cake was eaten.(we don't know or care whon ate it).-The letter was sent yesterdAY


Modal verbs

Examples :

Modal verbs + passive voice structure

Past simpleExamples:

modal + be + past participle

-It should hAVE BEEN finished yesterday.-The tickets would be sold there if possible. -It might be finished by next week.-Employees must be paid on the last day of the month.It could have been done by john.-That painting can be seen in the louvre.

When to use passive voice

2-To emphasize the action or the recipient of the action rather than the doer:-The mona lisa was painted by leonardo da vinci. (The focus is on the painting, not the painter)

What is?

The passive voice is often used when the performer of the action is unknown, irrelevant , or obvious examples:-The cake was baked yesterday-the window was broken during the storm-the results were announced at the meeting

Present Simpleexamples:

The structure of the passive voice is

Passive voice

Subject + form of "to be" + past participle( of the main verb) + ( by agent)

future simple examples:-She will be loved-When will the film be released?-A house will be provied for you-Her interests will be protected-It will be improved in the near future

Truquito: La interactividad es la pieza clave para captar el interés y la atención de tus estudiantes. Un genially es interactivo porque tu alumnado explora y se relaciona con él.

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¡Ojo! En Genially utilizamos AI (Awesome Interactivity) en todos nuestros diseños, para que subas de nivel con interactividad y conviertas tus clases en algo que aporta valor y engancha.

3-In formal or academic writing:-The data was collected over three months.(this is common in research papers).4-In situations where the speaker wants to be vague or avoid assigning blame:-Mistakes were made .(No mention of who made them).

Organiza la información y el conocimiento de forma mucho más fácil y visual a través de imágenes, gráficas, infografías y dibujos sencillos. ¡Así, sí!

Utiliza tablase infografías

GIF o JPG, de un paisaje o de un espacio cerrado. Añádelas como quieras, pero añádelas para crear el contenido que fomenta el aprendizaje y estimula el cerebro de tu alumnado.Las imágenes mantienen a tu alumnado despierto y motivado, al romper con la linealidad y monotonía del contenido textual.

Escribe un titular genial

-The house is cleaned every day-It´s served with rice -These marks are made by humans -The walls are made of gold-The doors are closed by the doorman


Utiliza timelines para contar historias.

Tiene un color adecuado a su tema.

Representa datos con gráficos.

Mejora la comunicación sobre cualquier tema.

Para contar historias de forma ordenada, jerárquica, estructurada y concisa. Estos son los cuatro pilares para llevar a cabo una presentación exitosa.

Utiliza líneas temporales…

MOdal verbs -Should-would-might-must-could-can

-The documents were being reviewed-The book was being read by the boy -Flowers were being grown in this garden -She was being hugged by her brother -Selfie was being clicked by girl
