Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


English/ Science

Pay attention. Listen to the teacher.

compound sentence

Run-on sentence


Simple sentence

She practices basketball she is playing this week.

Wanda rides her bike, however she can't ride a horse.

In the car

Saturday is a fine day.

Parts of a sentence

Compound sentences

Activity 1: English notebook

Activity 2: Activity book

Free time "5 minutes.


Simple sentence

tells what the subject doesor did.

tells whom or what the sentence is about.

Subject"Naming part"

can be one or more than one word.

Predicate"Action part"

A Sentence

has the verb.

After the subject

At the beginning of the sentence.

English Practice

Sentence or fragment?

Activity book p. 172

Activity book p. 157

Activity book p. 175

Activity book p. 158

Activity book p. 160

Pay attention. Listen to the teacher.

Run-on Sentence

Activity 1: English notebook

Run-on Sentence

Activity book p. 173

Activity book p. 174

Activity book p. 176

Free time "5 minutes.

Free time "5 minutes.

English proverbs


Advice for exams

Listening practice

Simple sentence

Activity 1:

Dance Monkey

Retell the story

Retell the story









When you think about somethingcarefully.

When you ate something.

A thought that is deep and meaningful.

When you do something by mistake or without realizing it.

Something that is ordinary and often dull.

You did what you were asked or expected to do.

It moved downwards.

When you know something is not allowed, but you do it anyway.

Someone who always expects bad things to happen.


"Critical vocabulary quiz"

Activity book page 5.

Activity book page 6.

Activity book page 7.

Role play "Time for lunch"

Spring Clean

Reading Time

English Practice

I went to the store I forgot to buy milk.

The dog barked loudly.

I went to the store, but I forgot to buy milk.

Running through the park.

Abejita Chiquitita

Sentence vs fragment

English Practice

Today is...

Warm up

Abejita Chiquitita

1.- Choose the new presentation.

Only English!

1.- Print the verb list and bring it on Tuesday.

Activity 1: Homework notebook