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Lesly Guadalupe Rodríguez García 6 "A"

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BSE can be seen as a strategy for research to support practice. Also, by taking into account the preferences and values of patients is a way to reduce their prejudices and maximize benefits; and by ratifying each practitioner’s clinical experience, is a means by which patient care decision making can be improved.

evidence based nursing

Edajube. (2021, febrero 1). Enfermería basada en la evidencia. Enfermería. https://enfermeria.top/apuntes/investigacion/enfermeria-basada-en-evidencia/

Implementation should be assessed in relation to the context in which care is provided and influenced by individual and organizational factors. The participation and acceptance of care by the patient, critical judgement and experience of the practitioner are other individual factors of great importance. Their nature ensures the rational use of GPC and therefore they establish the difference between PBE and a cookbook.


Evaluate the impact of changes in practice, to identify whether or not they have been effective. The ideal situation is for evaluation to be done by analyzing results sensitive to nursing interventions, in order to estimate benefits, damages and costs of interventions. A good evaluation should focus on results rather than process and should include an audit. Audits examine practice and compare it with established standards.


It is a reflection on nursing practice with the aim of formulating structured and concrete questions that can answer the uncertainty or problems identified. It should be borne in mind that different research questions require different methods and study designs.

Formulation of clinical questions

Once studies have been identified, a critical reading is required. The methodology and design of studies are evaluated through critical reading, which allows for objective quality criteria for each design. Thus, a clinical trial is assessed as having internal validity, which is defined as the assurance that the study design, execution, analysis and presentation of results minimize bias.

Critical reading

Identify the literature available to answer the question. There is a need for convenient access to information sources: databases, primary and secondary publications, as well as skills in the use and exploitation of bibliographic search strategies.

Bibliographical search