Description of routines
Diana Chávez
Created on September 7, 2024
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Common verbs to describe
Student: Diana Itzel
The most appropriate verb tense to use when talking to someone about your daily routine in English is the Present Simple.The formula of the present simple for affirmative sentences is: Subject + verb in present + complement E.g.: I study English on Mondays.
To go to bed → Irse a la cama To go to school → Ir a la escuela To go to sleep → Irse a dormir To go to the gym → Ir al gimnasio To go to work → Ir a trabajar To have breakfast → Desayunar To have dinner → Cenar To have lunch → Almorzar To iron → Planchar To listen to music → Escuchar música To make the bed → Hacer la cama To makeup → Maquillarse To paint → Pintar To read → Leer To set the table → Poner la mesa To shave → Afeitarse To sweep → Barrer To take a nap → Tomar una siesta To take a shower/bath → Para tomar una ducha/baño To take photos → Tomar fotos To take the bus → Tomar el autobús To vacuum → Pasar la aspiradora To wake up → Despertarse To walk → Caminar To wash the car → Para lavar el coche To watch T.V → Mirar la tele To write → Escribir
Proposal to be applied in elementary school
I would first explain to the students what routines are. Brainstorm the routines they do from morning to bedtime.Subsequent activities:Students will create a diagram reflecting their own daily routines at school, using drawings or words.In small groups, students will design an “Ideal School Routine,” incorporating activities they consider important or would like to have.Each group will present their ideal routine to the rest of the class, discussing common or innovative elements.
Alphabet soup of daily routines