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The family Durand is of nacionality french this is formed for the Mother with 29 years old the job is housewife the father with 31 years old the job is empresary and for 2 Sister of 7 and 4 years old who study in istitutes

Family Durand

The family Odiambos is of nacionality Kenyans this formed for the father with 34 years old the job in the office in Nairobi, the mother with 33 years old, she is housewife, the she eldery with 10 years old and his brother of 8 years old are students in a school in Nairobi, They are a big family


Family Odiambos

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

The family Lee is of nacionality Korean this formed for the father with 37 years old the job is the office ofrece xaomi, too for the mother with 30 years old, she is housewife and for his daughter of 10 years old she's study at Dwight School Seoul, the family is econimicall sable and has a big house.


Family Lee

Lorem ipsum dolor sit

The Grey family is of American nationality and is made up of a 33-year-old father who works in the office at GREY Enterprises, a 27-year-old mother who is a housewife, and a 3-year-old boy.

Family Gray

The family Jaramilla, is nacionality Colombians. This formed for the father with 30 years old, he is a fruitan vegetable merchant, the mother with 27 years, she is general supervisor of a clothing store, they have two daughters, one 11 years and 8 years both of them gato the sale school in Colombia, its a Happy Family

Family Jaramilla