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OxyContin is an extended-release version of oxycodone, an opioid analgesic. It’s primarily prescribed to patients who need consistent, long-lasting pain relief, especially those suffering from chronic conditions like cancer or severe musculoskeletal disorders.


OxyContin is a powerful prescription pain medication that contains the active ingredient oxycodone, an opioid designed for the management of moderate to severe pain. Its formulation allows for extended-release, providing long-lasting relief for patients dealing with chronic pain conditions. Typically prescribed for conditions such as cancer-related pain, post-surgical recovery, or severe injury, OxyContin is taken orally, often every 12 hours. However, due to its potency and potential for misuse, it carries a risk of addiction, abuse, and overdose. As a result, healthcare providers carefully monitor its use and incorporate risk assessment strategies when prescribing this medication.

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