Gun culture
Created on September 6, 2024
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helpless (impuissant)desperate (désespéré)scared to death (mort de peur)chilling (glaçant)heartbreaking (déchirant)moving (touchant)shocking (choquant)astonishing (étonnant)baffling (déconcertant)disturbing (perturbant)careless (négligent)ruthless = merciless (impitoyable)aghast = stunned (abasourdi)panick-stricken (pris de panic)gruesome = horriddead/alive (mort/vivant)unharmed/injured (indemne/blessé)effective (efficace)protective (protecteur)handy (facile à manier)informative = educationaleye-catching = striking (qui attire l'attention)
Gun culture
slaughter = massacrethreat (menace)firearm (arme à feu)weapon (arme)riffle (fusil)shooting (fusillade)bullet (balle)hatred (haine)law (loi)
safe and sound (sain et sauf)in cold blood (de sang froid)be trigger-happy (avoir la gachette facile)in a state of shock (en état de choc)shoot at random (tirer au hasard)
gun = revolver = pistol (pistolet)ammunition (munitions)stray bullet (balle perdue)gun license (permis de port d'arme)right (droit)campaign for/against (campagne pour/contre)pop-gun (pistolet en plastique)warning (avertissement)bloodbath (bain de sang)
fear for one's life (craindre pour sa vie)aim at sb = target sb (viser qqn)threaten sb with sth (menacer qqn avec qqch)shoot sb down (abattre qqn)pull the trigger (appuyer sur la gachette)kill = murder (tuer)keep and bear arms (garder et porter des armes)ban = prohibit (interdire)allow (autoriser)defend = protectraise awareness about = denouncelimit (limiter)prevent sb from V-ing sth (empêcher qqn de faire qqch)be wounded (être blessé)make sb realize sth (prendre conscience de qqch)be haunted by (être hanté par)be traumatized by (être traumatisé par)flee = run away (s'enfuir)
helpless (impuissant)desperate (désespéré)scared to death (mort de peur)chilling (glaçant)heartbreaking (déchirant)moving (touchant)shocking (choquant)astonishing (étonnant)baffling (déconcertant)disturbing (perturbant)careless (négligent)ruthless = merciless (impitoyable)aghast = stunned (abasourdi)panick-stricken (pris de panic)gruesome = horriddead/alive (mort/vivant)unharmed/injured (indemne/blessé)effective (efficace)protective (protecteur)handy (facile à manier)informative = educationaleye-catching = striking (qui attire l'attention)
Gun culture
slaughter = massacrethreat (menace)firearm (arme à feu)weapon (arme)riffle (fusil)shooting (fusillade)bullet (balle)hatred (haine)law (loi)
safe and sound (sain et sauf)in cold blood (de sang froid)be trigger-happy (avoir la gachette facile)in a state of shock (en état de choc)shoot at random (tirer au hasard)
gun = revolver = pistol (pistolet)ammunition (munitions)stray bullet (balle perdue)gun license (permis de port d'arme)right (droit)campaign for/against (campagne pour/contre)pop-gun (pistolet en plastique)warning (avertissement)bloodbath (bain de sang)
fear for one's life (craindre pour sa vie)aim at sb = target sb (viser qqn)threaten sb with sth (menacer qqn avec qqch)shoot sb down (abattre qqn)pull the trigger (appuyer sur la gachette)kill = murder (tuer)keep and bear arms (garder et porter des armes)ban = prohibit (interdire)allow (autoriser)defend = protectraise awareness about = denouncelimit (limiter)prevent sb from V-ing sth (empêcher qqn de faire qqch)be wounded (être blessé)make sb realize sth (prendre conscience de qqch)be haunted by (être hanté par)be traumatized by (être traumatisé par)flee = run away (s'enfuir)
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 1: The Second Amendment to the US Constitution=> Present the document.=> Explain what this amendment means. a. American citizens are forbidden to buy guns. b. They are allowed to defend their communities. c. They can have weapons as homes as well as on them. d. The government can take away what citizens own privately. e. Only members of the army can be armed.=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns as a symbol of the American culture?"Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 2: America is a Gun.=> Present the document.=> What sentence is repeated?=> Comment on the rhyming structure.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns as a symbol of the American culture?"Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 3: U.S. Civilians own 393 million firearms.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the numbers.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns as a symbol of the American culture?"Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 4: God bless America.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the numbers and images.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns as a symbol of the American culture?"Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 5: We I.D.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns as a symbol of the American culture?"Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 6: Multiple choice question.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns as a symbol of the American culture?"
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 2: America is a Gun.
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 1: The second amendment of the American constitution.
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 4: God bless America.
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 3: U.S. Civilians own 393 million firearms.
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 5: We I.D.
Part 1: Guns as a symbol of the American culture.Doc 6: Multiple choice question.
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 3: Pop gun
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 1: If they find it, they'll play with it.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 2: Guess which one.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 3: Pop gun=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 4: Remote=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 5: 1.7 million children=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?
Part 2: Guns and kids
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 2: Guess which one.
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 1: If they find it, they'll play with it.
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 1: If they find it, they'll play with it.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 2: Guess which one.=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 3: Pop gun=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 4: Remote=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 5: 1.7 million children=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between "guns and kids" in the US?
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 4: Remote
Part 2: Guns and kidsDoc 5: 1.7 million children
Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 1: Back to school=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns in schools" in the US?Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 2: School safety: Fashion-forward bulletproof clothing, backpacks=> Present the document.=> Comment on the products sold.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns in schools" in the US?Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 3: Run, Hide, Fight=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective? Is it realistic?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns in schools" in the US?Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 4: Read a book=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns in schools" in the US?Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 5: US classroom=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate "guns in schools" in the US?
Part 3: Guns in schools
Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 5: US classroom
Part 3: Guns in schoolsDoc 4: Read a book
What is the NRA?NRA stands for National Rifle Association. The group was founded in 1871 as a recreational group designed to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis".Why is it controversial?The NRA has lobbied heavily against all forms of gun control and argued aggressively that more guns make the country safer. It relies on and defends, a disputed interpretation of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution, which it argues gives US citizens the right to bear arms without any government oversight.Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 1: Welcome to the NRA=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 2: NRA Fairytales=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 3: Good guy with a gun=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective? Is it realistic?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 4: Who's to blame?=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 5: You're safe...=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?
Video telechargée NRA
Part 4: Meet the NRA
Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 4: Who's to blame?
Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 3: Good guy with a gun=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective? Is it realistic?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 4: Who's to blame?=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 5: You're safe...=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate the relationship between gun control and the NRA?
Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 3: Good guy with a gun
Part 4: Meet the NRADoc 5: You're safe...
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 1: Protect my family=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 2: Jobs related to guns=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 3: Gun Control for Dummies=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 4: Demand a plan=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 5: What should we do?=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 6: I feel threatened...=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 7: Choose your side=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?
Part 5: A split in the US society
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 2: Jobs related to guns
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 1: Protect my family
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 1: Protect my family=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 2: Jobs related to guns=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 3: Gun Control for Dummies=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 4: Demand a plan=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 5: What should we do?=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 6: I feel threatened...=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 7: Choose your side=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 5: What should we do?
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 3: Gun Control for Dummies
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 1: Protect my family=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 2: Jobs related to guns=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 3: Gun Control for Dummies=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 4: Demand a plan=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 5: What should we do?=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 6: I feel threatened...=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 7: Choose your side=> Present the document.=> Comment on the possible author's point of view.=> What is the message conveyed? Is it effective?=> Give your opinion on the document.=> Why is this document relevant to illustrate a split in the US society?
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 6: I feel threatened....
Part 5: A split in the US societyDoc 7: Choose your side
1 - Présente le document (type, source, titre, auteur(s), date, sujet principal) - en français2 - Prends des notes à propos de... (informations clés, pas de phrase) - en français a. l'attaque (où? quand? durée? arme(s)? nombre de suspect?...) ____/5 b. le(s) suspect(s) (qui? âge? éducation? sphère familiale?...) ____/4 c. les victimes (combien?) ____/13 - Qui sont Lisette Rozenblet et Joel Leffler? Quel est leur point de vue? - en français ____/44 - Vrai ou faux? Justifie en citant le texte. - en anglais ____/2 a. Cet événement était prévisible. b. L'école ne prenait aucune mesure préventive avant la fusillade.5 - Les émotions ressenties par les victimes: choisis les bons adjectifs puis traduis les. ____/4=> helpless / baffling / aghast / handy / panic stricken
Part 2: Reading skills __/20
Part 1: listening skills __/15
Ce document est un extrait d'un échange entre deux personnes (certainement des journalistes). ____/1Ils discutent au sujet de la régulation des armes à feu aux Etats-Unis. ____/1Les deux personnes discréditent la vision des personnes en faveur du port d'armes aux Etats-Unis. ____/1Selon la femme...=> Il y a souvent deux visions de l'histoire lorsqu'une fusillade éclate. ____/1=> Certains pensent alors qu'il faudrait plus d'armes pour se défendre. ____/1=> Certains conservateurs pensent que le problème vient des endroits où le port d'arme est interdit. ____/1=> Certains pensent que même si les armes sont interdites, les "mauvaises personnes" y auront toujours accès. ____/1Selon l'homme d'autres proposent l'idée que les enfants en bas âge, en plus des professeurs, soient armés. ____/1Il qualifie cette proposition de "brillante idée", de manière ironique. ____/1Ils se servent des informations du FBI et de The Atlantic à propos des homicides par arme à feu aux Etats-Unis pour les comparer à ceux du Japon, où le port d'arme est interdit. ____/3En 2008, 9484 homicides ont eu lieu aux Etats-Unis, contre seulement 11 au Japon ____/1En 2007, 10 086 homicides contre 22. ____/1En 2006 : 10 225 contre 2. ____/1
1 - Présente le document (type, source, titre, auteur(s), date, sujet principal) - en français2 - Prends des notes à propos de... (informations clés, pas de phrase) - en français a. l'attaque (où? quand? durée? arme(s)? nombre de suspect?...) ____/5 b. le(s) suspect(s) (qui? âge? éducation? sphère familiale?...) ____/4 c. les victimes (combien?) ____/13 - Qui sont Lisette Rozenblet et Joel Leffler? Quel est leur point de vue? - en français ____/44 - Vrai ou faux? Justifie en citant le texte. - en anglais ____/2 a. Cet événement était prévisible. b. L'école ne prenait aucune mesure préventive avant la fusillade.5 - Les émotions ressenties par les victimes: choisis les bons adjectifs puis traduis les. ____/4=> helpless / baffling / aghast / handy / panic stricken
Part 2: Reading skills __/20
Part 1: listening skills __/15
Ce document est un extrait d'un échange entre deux personnes (certainement des journalistes). ____/1Ils discutent au sujet de la régulation des armes à feu aux Etats-Unis. ____/1Les deux personnes discréditent la vision des personnes en faveur du port d'armes aux Etats-Unis. ____/1Selon la femme...=> Il y a souvent deux visions de l'histoire lorsqu'une fusillade éclate. ____/1=> Certains pensent alors qu'il faudrait plus d'armes pour se défendre. ____/1=> Certains conservateurs pensent que le problème vient des endroits où le port d'arme est interdit. ____/1=> Certains pensent que même si les armes sont interdites, les "mauvaises personnes" y auront toujours accès. ____/1Selon l'homme d'autres proposent l'idée que les enfants en bas âge, en plus des professeurs, soient armés. ____/1Il qualifie cette proposition de "brillante idée", de manière ironique. ____/1Ils se servent des informations du FBI et de The Atlantic à propos des homicides par arme à feu aux Etats-Unis pour les comparer à ceux du Japon, où le port d'arme est interdit. ____/3En 2008, 9484 homicides ont eu lieu aux Etats-Unis, contre seulement 11 au Japon ____/1En 2007, 10 086 homicides contre 22. ____/1En 2006 : 10 225 contre 2. ____/1
The teen gunman accused of opening fire at his former high school in Parkland, Florida, has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. Authorities arrested the suspect, identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz. He had recently been expelled from Douglas for disciplinary reasons. The FBI was alerted six months ago after a YouTube user named "Nikolas Cruz" posted a comment stating "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" on the video site. Cruz's mother died in early November and he had been staying with a local family — whose son is at Douglas.The gunman was believed to have been armed with an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle and multiple magazines, said Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. It was unclear whether he had any other weapons. There was no indication that the gunman had an accomplice or accomplices, federal and local authorities said. The gunfire began outside the school and continued inside, where 12 of the victims were killed. All of those victims have been identified, but no identities will be made public until the families have been notified. The shooting on the sprawling campus happened despite the presence of police officers at the school. Runcie, the school superintendent, said at least two police cars were typically on campus "on a daily basis." For more than an hour, the school was at the mercy of a gunman on the loose. "He was outside and inside the school," Israel said. Just after 4 p.m., the Broward County Sheriff's Office announced on Twitter that the suspect had been apprehended. Not long after, stunned survivors began sharing their accounts of what happened. Lisette Rozenblet, whose daughter attends the school, said of her daughter "her biggest fear is a school shooting, she is always begging me to be home-schooled because she was scared of this." Joel Leffler, whose son and daughter attend the school, said both of his kids were safe — but in shock. "My son called me as it was unfolding, running. He had to jump a fence," Leffler said. When he reached his daughter by phone, she was whispering, he said. "My daughter, who was there in the freshman hall where the shooting took place — she's in shock right now, and she's being taken out by SWAT," Leffler said. "She saw multiple dead bodies."
NBC NEWSFeb. 14, 2018, 9:18 By Elizabeth Chuck, Alex Johnson and Corky Siemaszko
Nikolas Cruz, 19, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.
17 killed in mass shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida
The teen gunman accused of opening fire at his former high school in Parkland, Florida, has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. Authorities arrested the suspect, identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz. He had recently been expelled from Douglas for disciplinary reasons. The FBI was alerted six months ago after a YouTube user named "Nikolas Cruz" posted a comment stating "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" on the video site. Cruz's mother died in early November and he had been staying with a local family — whose son is at Douglas.The gunman was believed to have been armed with an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle and multiple magazines, said Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. It was unclear whether he had any other weapons. There was no indication that the gunman had an accomplice or accomplices, federal and local authorities said. The gunfire began outside the school and continued inside, where 12 of the victims were killed. All of those victims have been identified, but no identities will be made public until the families have been notified. The shooting on the sprawling campus happened despite the presence of police officers at the school. Runcie, the school superintendent, said at least two police cars were typically on campus "on a daily basis." For more than an hour, the school was at the mercy of a gunman on the loose. "He was outside and inside the school," Israel said. Just after 4 p.m., the Broward County Sheriff's Office announced on Twitter that the suspect had been apprehended. Not long after, stunned survivors began sharing their accounts of what happened. Lisette Rozenblet, whose daughter attends the school, said of her daughter "her biggest fear is a school shooting, she is always begging me to be home-schooled because she was scared of this." Joel Leffler, whose son and daughter attend the school, said both of his kids were safe — but in shock. "My son called me as it was unfolding, running. He had to jump a fence," Leffler said. When he reached his daughter by phone, she was whispering, he said. "My daughter, who was there in the freshman hall where the shooting took place — she's in shock right now, and she's being taken out by SWAT," Leffler said. "She saw multiple dead bodies."
NBC NEWSFeb. 14, 2018, 9:18 By Elizabeth Chuck, Alex Johnson and Corky Siemaszko
Nikolas Cruz, 19, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.
17 killed in mass shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida
Part 2: Reading skills __/
Part 1: listening skills __/15
The teen gunman accused of opening fire at his former high school in Parkland, Florida, has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder, officials said on Thursday. Authorities arrested the suspect, identified as 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz. Cruz had recently been expelled from Douglas for disciplinary reasons. The FBI was alerted six months ago after a YouTube user named "Nikolas Cruz" posted a comment stating "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" on the video site. Cruz's mother died in early November and he had been staying with a local family — whose son is a junior at Douglas.The gunman was believed to have been armed with an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle and multiple magazines, said Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel. It was unclear whether he had any other weapons. There was no indication that the gunman had an accomplice or accomplices, federal and local authorities said. The gunfire began outside the school and continued inside, where 12 of the victims were killed. All of those victims have been identified, but no identities will be made public until the families have been notified. The shooting on the sprawling campus happened despite the presence of police officers at the school. Runcie, the school superintendent, said at least two police cars were typically on campus "on a daily basis." For more than an hour, the school was at the mercy of a gunman on the loose. "He was outside and inside the school," Israel said. Just after 4 p.m., the Broward County Sheriff's Office announced on Twitter that the suspect had been apprehended. Not long after, stunned survivors began sharing their accounts of what happened. Lisette Rozenblet, whose daughter attends the school, said of her daughter "her biggest fear is a school shooting, she is always begging me to be home-schooled because she was scared of this." Joel Leffler, whose son and daughter attend the school, said both of his kids were safe — but in shock. "My son called me as it was unfolding, running. He had to jump a fence," Leffler said. When he reached his daughter by phone, she was whispering, he said. "My daughter, who was there in the freshman hall where the shooting took place — she's in shock right now, and she's being taken out by SWAT," Leffler said. "She saw multiple dead bodies."
NBC NEWSFeb. 14, 2018, 9:18 By Elizabeth Chuck, Alex Johnson and Corky Siemaszko
Nikolas Cruz, 19, a former student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder.
17 killed in mass shooting at high school in Parkland, Florida
Ce document est un extrait d'un échange entre deux personnes (certainement des journalistes). ____/1Ils discutent au sujet de la régulation des armes à feu aux Etats-Unis. ____/1Les deux personnes discréditent la vision des personnes en faveur du port d'armes aux Etats-Unis. ____/1Selon la femme...=> Il y a souvent deux visions de l'histoire lorsqu'une fusillade éclate. ____/1=> Certains pensent alors qu'il faudrait plus d'armes pour se défendre. ____/1=> Certains conservateurs pensent que le problème vient des endroits où le port d'arme est interdit. ____/1=> Certains pensent que même si les armes sont interdites, les "mauvaises personnes" y auront toujours accès. ____/1Selon l'homme d'autres proposent l'idée que les enfants en bas âge, en plus des professeurs, soient armés. ____/1Il qualifie cette proposition de "brillante idée", de manière ironique. ____/1Ils se servent des informations du FBI et de The Atlantic à propos des homicides par arme à feu aux Etats-Unis pour les comparer à ceux du Japon, où le port d'arme est interdit. ____/3En 2008, 9484 homicides ont eu lieu aux Etats-Unis, contre seulement 11 au Japon ____/1En 2007, 10 086 homicides contre 22. ____/1En 2006 : 10 225 contre 2. ____/1 Test
1 - Présente le document (type, source, titre, auteur(s), date, sujet principal) - en français2 - Prends des notes à propos de... (informations clés, pas de phrase) - en français a. l'attaque (où? quand? durée? arme(s)? nombre de suspect?...) ____/5 b. le(s) suspect(s) (qui? âge? éducation? sphère familiale?...) ____/4 c. les victimes (combien?) ____/13 - Qui sont Lisette Rozenblet et Joel Leffler? Quel est leur point de vue? - en français ____/44 - Vrai ou faux? Justifie en citant le texte. - en anglais ____/2 a. Cet événement était prévisible. b. L'école ne prenait aucune mesure préventive avant la fusillade.5 - Les émotions ressenties par les victimes: choisis les bons adjectifs puis traduis les. ____/4=> helpless / baffling / aghast / handy / panic stricken
Part 2: Reading - questions
Part 5: Guns and music