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1. Propio in IEP meetings2. Small Group Tools


September 26th, 2024 Power Hour PD

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1. Propio in IEP Meetings


  • iReady Resources
  • BrainPop Resources
Tools to implement
  • Classkick
  • OneNote

2. Resources and Tools



+ Translation at the IEP meeting

During the meeting tips

Note: If they come in muted, know that "*6" will allow those on the phone to unmute.Also, stay quiet when they first join so that can hear zoom tell them this.

If the family does not join independently, have the Translator call the family and join them into the meeting.

Propio in IEP meetings


Call Propio and get the interpreter


Open the Zoom Meeting(a few minutes early)

+ Finding Brainpop lesson materials

+classkick basics

+OneNote get started Tutorial

+ Finding iReady Mathlesson materials

+Finding iReady Readinglesson materials

These tools can make lessons come to life, allow for more interaction, and allow for individual data to be collected.

Teaching Tools

These resources are housed in Clever and have a wide variety of lessons and resources.

Lesson Resources

Tutorial for Frontline

Get your PD Credit for completion of this training by...

  1. Sign into Frontline (use the link in the portal)
  2. Click on this link: https://www.mylearningplan.com/LearningPlan/ActivityProfile.asp?M=M&I=4891299
  3. Sign Up for the Training.
  4. Make sure to complete the survey and mark complete, after signing up (You have two weeks to complete this).


  • The zoom prompts tell them to select *6 to unmute.

Keep in mind that those who are joined by phone have no access to a shared screen.