Getting Started with IS
Created on September 6, 2024
More creations to inspire you
I have BORs to submit
I received an IEP or IFSP for a child
I want more information about the process.
Catalyst Kids Programs
I have a child with challenging behaviors
Getting started withInclusion Support
A family is requesting resources
A child's ASQ results are in the gray/black
A PBS Checklist will help staff with reflecting about the classroom and individual supports that are in place.Take note of resources you may want to learn more about or need support with implementing.
Complete a Positive Behavior Support Checklist
1. Gather more information about the child from the family.2. Read the IEP or IFSPAccess the "How to Read an IEP/IFSP" Webinar on UKGUse the recommended strategies from IEP to write a draft Child Success Plan3. Reach out to Inclusion SupportSubmit a draft Child Success Plan or Ask for support with additional strategies
Child Success Plan
1. Resource & Referral Agencies (First 5, Help Me Grow, Tri-Counties, etc.) 2. Pediatrician/Family Doctor3. Encourage parent to request evaluation from their local school district*Ensure that you have the family's consent to share their information with other agencies.
Submit Referrals
EMAIL is team
Email the Inclusion Support Team
- Describe what you need support with
- Attach the Behavior Observation Reports (BORs)
- Attach a completed Positive Behavior Support Checklist
1. SharePoint - use the search function2. Virtual Library - organized by category3. Social Service Resource Request4. Send an email to
Locate resources
The BORs will help you see the triggers (antecedent) and immediate impact of the child's behaviors.
Use Behavior Observation Reports (BORs) to gather more information
Find resources about children with disabilities.
Need more support?
PBS Flowchart
I want to learn more about the process and discuss the process with someone
Join the Positive Behavior Support calls every third Wednesday of the month (9:30 am)
Find a 20 minute module for you and your staff to complete.
I want to see a visual of the Positive Behavior Support Process.
Inclusive Practices
Email IS Team
Statewide Calendar
List of PAR modules
UKG Pro Learning
Search "Positive Behavior Supports" on UKG for online modules
Find resources about children with disabilities.
Need more support?
PBS Flowchart
I want to learn more about the process and discuss the process with someone
Join the Positive Behavior Support calls every third Wednesday of the month (9:30 am)
Find a 20 minute module for you and your staff to complete.
I want to see a visual of the Positive Behavior Support Process.
Inclusive Practices
Email IS Team
Statewide Calendar
List of PAR modules
UKG Pro Learning
Search "Positive Behavior Supports" on UKG for online modules