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Final Exam: 3rd January 2025






Remaining Continuous Evaluation (self-)assessment Items

Project Output




Project Proposal




Sociology - Assessment System

Project Assessment

Riffbot.ai interactions

Surveys, multiple choice



Resit Exam: 20th January 2025



Continuous Evaluation

Final Exam

Final Mark

The final exam is a reflective essay on your full experience of the course and PBL, from start to end. Though the exam is in class, it will be taken online. If you need a computer, please let us know in advance. Thank you.

Riffbot.ai is an application developed at the University of Stanford to develop students' critical thinking. You have been awarded 20 marks beforehand. To keep them, you must interact with Riff at least seven times. If you miss more than two interactions, you lose everything and get a 0 on this assessment item.

Teachers' assessment: marks ranging from 0 to 20, accounting for 75% of the total presentation mark. "Self and Peer Assessment: Each student will have 100 points to allocate to themselves and their team colleagues. These points will contribute to the final grade, accounting for 25% of the total Project Output mark. When allocating points, consider the following criteria: 1) participation, 2) teamwork, 3) quality of contributions, and 4) adherence to deadlines. Points cannot be repeated. For example, if you allocate 20 points to a colleague or yourself, you cannot allocate 20 points again. You must distribute the remaining 80 points in a unique way. The allocated points will be converted to a 0-20 scale. Uneven allocation of points may impact the overall team grade."

Teachers' assessment: marks ranging from 0 to 20, accounting for 75% of the total presentation mark. "Self and Peer Assessment: Each student will have 100 points to allocate to themselves and their team colleagues (100 points if the team has 5 members, 80 points if the team has 4 members and 60 points if the team has 3 members). These points will contribute to the final grade, accounting for 25% of the total presentation mark. When allocating points, consider the following criteria: 1) participation, 2) teamwork, 3) quality of contributions, and 4) adherence to deadlines. Points cannot be repeated. For example, if you allocate 20 points to a colleague or yourself, you cannot allocate 20 points again. You must distribute the remaining 80 points in a unique way. The allocated points will be converted to a 0-20 scale. Uneven allocation of points may impact the overall team grade."

Teamwork - Submission by 11th October (11:59 pm, Blackboard)

Surveys and mini-tests will be available for the semester. For that reason, you have to answer to the full nine items. You have been awarded 20 marks beforehand, and as you must complete the full nine items, you can already count on one point that will be added directly to your continuous evaluation mark. Happy?

The resit exam is independent of continuous evaluation and the Project. The questions will focus on the syllabus's contents.