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Urban Sketching

Learn English with Arty Anglais Podcast

What is Urban Sketching?

Urban sketching is a style of art in which drawings and sketches of everyday scenes of life are produced, created in the moment, that is, in situ, indoors or outdoors, which captures what the artist sees from direct observation.





Sketching style

It will depend a lot on the materials that artists like to use, such as markers, watercolors and brushes, among others. The style of the podcaster (Tara) is a mix of various influences from artists such as Vincent van Gogh and the Japanese artist Hokusai or the naive art style children's book. She describes that her personal style is best when it comes to interpretations of a scene or landscape and not a realistic representation

what do I need if I want to start drawing or urban sketching ?

To draw or make urban sketches, all you need is a pencil and a sketchbook. Anyone can draw, you just have to be patient to start little by little, practicing with things you have on hand at home. Elements start with simple shapes, like an apple, where you can add shadows after then you could move on to drawing other elements of your house.


lIt is important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to do it, it is a very personal journey it is good to hear and see other people's ideas, the most important thing is that you should follow your own heart and do it how you want and make sure it is always fun if you are a visual student or someone curious about learning through workshops and videos

Cindy Morales

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