Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


Where I live....



a swimming pool

an ice rink

a church

a center commercial

a leisure center

a castle

a market

a stadium


We play tic-tac-toe


church / ice rink / swimming pool

museums / shops

ice rink / swimming pool

stadium / market / castle / leisure center / shopping center

any, used before a vowel sound


There is not / There are not




museums / shops


stadium / market / castle / leisure center / shopping center

There is / There are

There are no stores but there is a stadium.

There is a shopping center but there is not a church.

There is not a leisure center but there is a market .

There is an ice rink but there are no museums.

There is a castle but there is not a swimming pool.

@Flaticon FREEPIK

Memorize what is there and what is not on the map of the city.

a market

a leisure center



a castle

a church

an ice rink

a shopping center

a swimming pool

a stadium

Click on what is in the city (.../7).Don't click on what is not in the city.

7. There is a market.

2. There are no museums.

10. There is no church.

9. There are museums.

8. There is a shopping center.

6. There is a swimming pool.

5. There is no ice rink.

4. There are shops.

3. There is a stadium.

1. There is a church.

Click on the 5 correct sentences- Pay attention to the small details!

Listen - What is there (tick)and what is not (cross) in the city?


7. There is not an ice rink.
6. There is a market.
5. There is not a church.
4. There is a castle.
3. There is not a shopping center.
2. There is not a stadium.
1. There is a swimming pool.
TRUE OR FALSE - Look at the card and decide if the sentences are true or false


2. There is not a swimming pool.
3. There are stores.
4. There is not a market.
5. There is a shopping center.
1. There is a castle.
1. There is a castle.


Extension - Draw a map of a town and write a description


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