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Are we better together?

Lesson 1.1.3

How long was the longest story you've ever written? I'm just curious as to whether you like to write long stories or stick to shorter ones.

In the chat...

Question 01/03

Question 1:

What's your favorite literature genre? (category)

In the chat...

Question 02/03

Question 2:

Do you prefer to read stories or write stories?

In the chat...

Question 03/03

Question 3:

You're writing a story about a spy.What is the spy's name?

You're writing a story about a hero.What is the hero's name?

Incorrect Response


Incorrect Response

Correct Response

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories by themselves and also keep the brain awake?

Question 03/03

to think about how we will come up with completely different names depending on the topic or the genre!

It's interesting...

Who knows??


Short film?

Fiction short story?


Every Tuesday

How will they work?

Literature Study

Have you heard of this? What do you think this genre is?


Micro Fiction


Have you heard of this? What do you think this genre is?


Micro Fiction

Microfiction: a full story that is written in the least amount of words possible.


Please read our first story of the year, Give it up! by Franz Kafka. It is considered micro fiction.

What do you think is the point of the story? Is there even a point? What are your final thoughts?

What's everything we know about the main character? What do we know for sure about this character?

Why does the policeman laugh at him? What do we expect him to do?

What kind of mood does the story have? How does the reader feel after reading it?

Let's analyze!