GIAC History
Kim Anness
Created on September 5, 2024
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30 Years ofthe Geographic Information and Advisory Council!!!
Let's Celebrate!
- Some Local Goverments utilize GIS
- NREPC adopts GIS technology to map Unmined mineral resources (ESRI user #31)
- Kentucky Transportation Cabinet and other State Government agencies leverage GIS mapping
Roger Recktenwald
Jerry Deaton
Ruth Rowles
Ken Bates
John Hetzel
Neil Webber
Sgt. John Carrico
Jeff Miracle
Bob Fouts
Steve Dooley
James Coffman
Don Haney
Jules Delambre
Jon Clark
25) Legislative Research Commission
24) Kentucky Council of Area Development Districts
23) Kentucky Board of Registered Geologists
22) Kentucky Society of Professional Engineers
21) Kentucky Association of Professionals Surveyors
20) Kentucky Chapter of the American Planning Association
19) Kentucky Association of Counties
18) Kentucky Association of Counties
17) Kentucky League of Cities
16) Kentucky League of Cities
15) Tourism Cabinet
14) Public Protection Cabinet
13) Department of Agriculture
12) Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Cabinet
11) Department of Education
10) Department of Military Affairs
9) Council on Post Secondary Education
8) Justice Cabinet
7) Department of Local Government
6) Economic Development Cabinet
5) Department of Information Systems
4) Revenue Cabinet
3) Kentucky Geological Survey
2) Cabinet for Family and Children
1) Kentucky Transportation Cabinet
Original GIAC Membership
Linda Pittenger
Greg Willett
Mike Crain
Gene Stinchcomb
Larry Whitaker
Mark Vogt
William Bowdy
Tony Sholar
Raymond Leigh
Bruce Seigle
Jim Swain
Executive Coucil Members
Vice President
GIAC Timeline
Kentucky GIS events and milestones as recorded in GIAC agendas
icon on the timeline for a summary of GIS activities and events in each year
Click on a the
Kentucky GIS events and milestones as recorded in GIAC agendas
GIAC Timeline
Click on a the
icon on the timeline for a summary of GIS activities and events in each year
- Executive Summary created
- Kentucky Aerial Photography & Elevation Data Program kick off
- KyFromAbove website created
- Digital Elevation and Photography Data Standards adopted
- Kentucky’s LiDAR RFP released
- RFP for statewide coverage of leaf-off 1 foot aerial photography and 5-foot elevation data released
- KyGovMaps website application and mapping gallery created
- Kentucky Department of Education Front Door Project kicked off
- First LiDAR data collection by watershed
- Kentucky provides City boundaries for all Kentucky Cities to US Census Bureau
- KyStimulus Mapping site created for transparency ARRA funding
- NSGIC grant to create Kentucky’s Geospatial Strategic Plan
- Statewide ESRI Enterprise License proposal
- KY Mine-Mapping Information System project begins
- KyVector and KyRaster are created
- Structures Data Layer Pilot Project
- Flood Map Modernization Project kicks off
- First GeoCaching Event
- KSU – GIS Training Center opens
- Kentucky Land Cover (KLC) project completed
- KYTC & Kentucky's ADDs complete GPS Road statewide centerline project
- Land Cover
- Impervious Surfaces (e.g, parking lots, etc.)
- Canopy Cover (e.g., forested areas, etc.)
- Homeland Security Urban imagery program
- First KyFromAbove 1st Acquisition
- GIAC Logo Design Contest
- Strategic Planning Process Completed
- Three top geospatial priorities/needs been identified:
- Addressing Data
- LiDAR Imagery/Data
- Statewide Parcel Data
- KGS completes Statewide 100K geologic map
- o Kentucky recognized for its role as a leader in topographic mapping
- 2012 project area covers 50% of the state’s population
- kygis List Serve created
- USGS National Map Initiative
- Land Cover
- Parcels
- Geographic Names
- Addresses
- Census
- Structures
- Kentucky’s Statewide Digital Basemap Layers
- Digital Geological Maps (GQ maps) Complete
- Boundaries
- Transportation
- Hydrography
- Elevation
- Orthoimagery
- Geodesy
- KYGEONET recognized with ESRI “Special Achievement Award”
- Kentucky’s first basemap created - KYBASE
- Phase 2 KYGNIS Names Update Project
- Introduction of Roberta Young ("Ryan") - new program coordinator for OGI
- KY State Police Public Safety Mapping Project
- 100K & 24K National Hydrographic Dataset completed
- KYGIS road trip to USGS Mid-Continent Mapping Center (MCMC) & ESRI St. Louis
- DRG Processing - KyGIS steps up
- OGIS recommends DOQQ Conversion Contract
- 20+ datasets put out for download by NREPC & KGS
- DRG put out for free download
- Digital Ortho Quarter Quads Delivered
- Dichotomy over distribution and tiling scheme
- NREPC creates State Government data access "GIS Portal"
- In-house conversion favored by grass roots group (GIS Underground)
- Dichotomy over charging for data
- DOQQ Processing
- Western Kentucky Tornado Response
- Eastern Kentucky Flooding Response
- GIS Job Classification Subcommittee created
- KyFromAbove Accomplishments
- GIS in Emergency Response
- Kentucky Trail Mapping Initiative
- Kentucky Submits data to National Address Database (NAD)
- Updates to GIS and GIAC Statutes
- Kentucky Implements Statewide 911 Data Portal
- GIS Day Virtual Event hosted
- First Legislative Appropriation of Aerial photography ($16.8 million in 2022 RS)
- First statewide 6 Inch Aerial Photography Acquired
- Kentucky Oblique Imagery Data Specifications Completed & Adopted
- COVID-19 GIS collaborative Response
- State Plane Coordinate System signed into law by Governor Beshear
- Enterprise Geocoding & Routing Service created
- Kentucky County and State boundary adopted by US Census Bureau
- Kentucky 911 Services Board – GIS Integrator & Data Portal RFP released
Executive Branch Enterprise GIS Portal Implemented
First GIAC meeting held October 27th, 1994
- Voted in Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Committee members
- KYTC Road Centerline made widely available to external (non-KYTC) users
- Committee Signups
- Council focus on GIS education and awareness
- Discussed need for legislative funding for the basemap
- Discussed data distribution
Second meeting held December 8, 1994
- KYTC undertakes GPS Road centerline project with ADDs
- State Plane Single Zone
- Kentucky's first vector contour layer - Tagged Vector Contours (TVC)
- Intelligent Road Centerline Committee formed (Address data)
- State Geodetic Advisor position established (Height Modernization)
- Subcommittee created to update Geoprocessor job descriptions & salaries
- Boundary Subcommittee created
- KyFromAbove statewide LiDAR data products and services available online
- KGS establishes Digital Earth Analysis Lab (DEAL)
- KyFromAbove completes first statewide LiDAR acquisition
- KyTopo: Kentucky’s New Topographic Map Series is created
- ArcIMS comes on the scene
- 2nd set of DOQQs delivered
- 30 foot DEM layer completed
- Geodesy Viewer
- Water Lines Viewer
- Watershed Viewer
- Kentucky Facilities Index GIS Viewer
- Kentucky Six Year Highway Plan IMS site
- NREPC implements Ky’s first internet map viewer - "GIS basemap sampler"
- Kentucky City boundary mapping mass update project underway
- State Board of Elections hires first GIS Staff person
GIS Spatial & Network analysis used to develop Medical Cannabis Regions
- Digital voting precinct boundaries requirement added to KRS117
- Parcel Data access for State Government users
- Next Gen 911 Status - Less than 10 PSAPs remain for completion of statewide GIS dataset
- Kentucky Trail Resources hub site
- Ortho imagery is forthcoming
- Remaining Phase II coverage acquired
- KyFromAbove Explorer integration resources created
KyFromAbove 3 Inch Imagery
KyFromAbove Elevation Data
KyFromAbove on AWS
KyGeoPortal migration
- kymartian moves to the cloud
- Migration to Open Data Portal and services on AGOL
- KyFromAbove Explorer goes live
- Publicly accessible AWS S3 bucket
- Directly access cloud-hosted data using QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, and browser-based apps
- GIS Job Classifications Subcommittee work complete
- Parcel data sharing agreements
- Created by DOR to allow limited access to parcel data
- Migration to ArcGIS Pro
- KyFromAbove first statewide 6" imagery complete & available
- Data available for download
- Seamless statewide mosaic & services created
- Kentucky Recreational Trail integration begins
- Migration to Cloud-based Geospatial Data Storage
- Box Platform
- ArcGIS Online Premium Data Store
- Amazon Web Services
- Tile packages allow imagery to be used in the field
- Kentucky State Plane Coordinate System goes into Effect
Digital file requirement added to City boundary Statute
- Preserves the integrity of the work performed by the surveyor
- Removes guess work and expedites the mapping process
Next Gen 911
- GIS Integrator Contract Awarded to Geocom
- Data Portal Contract Awarded to Rapid Deploy
Kentucky Maps on the Avenza Platform
- Consumer-focused, free app, allowing maps to be easily used offline
- Kentucky maps are available for free
- Nearly 20 internet mapping sites are online
- Kentucky receives award for being the first State in the Nation to publish 12 statewide layers to the USGS National Map
- The Commonwealth Map is created
- Commonwealth of Kentucky's Enterprise Implementation - GIS as a Utility
KyGeonet implemented
- Metadata adds value to geospatial data holdings
- Kentucky GIS community recognizes need for collaboration and sharing
- 20 internet mapping sites are online
- Featured in the ArcUser Online October – December 2002 publication
- 133 Published Items by 12 different agencies
- Kentucky Raster Graphics (KRGs) created
- WRIS Standard adopted
- Revenue Cabinet Paper Map to Digital Conversion Project
- Kentucky City mapping process completed
- First GIAC Technical workgroups created
- GIS-Bug created (Bluegrass User Group) - 1st GIS User Group
- Capitol plan for basemap funding was established
- New Water Commission created to map water and sewer infrastructure (WRDC) - KIA
- Coordination for 1st statewide aerial photography project (DOQQs)
- ESRI presentation on new product - Spatial Database Engine
- Finance Committee Created
- Statewide Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs) delivered
- DIS training facility was named an ESRI training site
- Adopted the Kentucky Metadata Standard - minimum set of the FGDC Metadata Standard (FGDC lite)
- Arcview training provided for State Government Employees
- Kentucky received its first USGS funding - $252,000 for basemap project
GIS Day celebrated for the first time on November 19, 1999
GIS Underground finishes up processing and works on DOQQ distribution
- First DOQQ Mosaic created
OGIS contracts with GRW, PlanGraphics Inc and ESRI
US Bureau of Census adopts KYTC road centerline data
- DOQQ "fetch" tool set up for State Government users
- DOQQs served up via internet servers - kymartian ftp!!! - DOQQs free online data access to public by February
- To create website to sell compressed and uncompressed tiled CDs of the DOQQs
- Web-based data purchase site rolled out at GIS Conference in May
Statewide inventory of water and sewer infrastructure completed!!!
- Water Managment plans to provide potable drinking water to all Kentucky citizens created
- Basemap Committee formed
Kentucky Basemap Layers:
- Elevation
- Adopted the FGDC framework data layers
- Created GIS Layer stack diagram
- Boundaries
- Hydrography
- Transportation
- Geodesy
- Orthoimagery
- Access Kentucky CORS station data online
- New base map layers
- ArcGIS Online Services
- Mobile app development
- Streets
- 2012 KYAPED imagery
- Snow & Ice Removal
- ArcGIS GeoEvent Processor
- Kentucky CORS network developed
- KYTC Real-time analysis and Big data
- Kentucky participates in Geo-Enabled Elections Project
- Law enforcement layer established
- First geolocated Hospital layer created
- NG911 GIS layers Requirements
- Address points/site structure points - 10/31/2019
- Road centerline - 10/31/19
- Emergency service boundaries - 07/01/20
- PSAP boundary - 07/01/21
- Kentucky NG911 Mapping Guide