Want to make creations as awesome as this one?


My name is Joanne RowlingI was born on July 31, 1965, I am 59 years old in the United Kingdom in a town called Yate (Gloucestershire) and my occupation is British writer

The Harry Potter series is the best-selling of all time, with some 500 million copies sold worldwide and translated into 65 languages.Later, adaptations were made into films, with Rowling responsible for the script and creative elements of the films.

I am involved in LGBTQ+ rights advocacy and other social causes. I have founded organizations such as Lumos, which helps children in institutions, and I promote alternatives in orphanages.

J. K Rowling

By: Denis Moctezuma Montes

“The creator of the most famous boy wizard of all time”

Legacy worldwide

Epoque political and social

"Hearing voices no one else can hear isn't a good sign, even in the wizarding world. "J.K Rowling

Bibliography-The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. (2024). J.K. Rowling. In Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/J-K-Rowling- The Rowling Library [@TheRowlingLibrary]. (s/f). J.K. rowling and Stephen fry, on fantastic beasts: A natural history (BBC one, February 27th 2022). Youtube. Retrieved on September 6, 2024, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIcQrUXwxO0

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